serenity-is / Serenity

Business Apps Made Simple with Asp.Net Core MVC / TypeScript
MIT License
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change adminlte Theme #2681

Closed guiRui11 closed 7 years ago

guiRui11 commented 7 years ago

Does anybody already change the adminlte theme serenity has with the most recent one or another one ? That would be great.

Also I can't seem to put the signarR workink even after following the wiki :(

By the way awesome framework...

Magik3a commented 7 years ago

For the signalr implamentation: If you use latest Serenity package (.net core 2.0) and you write your code based on the WIKI you have really big problems with .net frameworks. Latest SignalR package was introduced with verry big article before a week check the link HERE

I will try to create a new wiki after a few hours/days.

volkanceylan commented 7 years ago

There shouldn't be any problems in latest version, and SignalR supports .NET CORE 2 i think.