serizba / cppflow

Run TensorFlow models in C++ without installation and without Bazel
MIT License
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Different result between python and C++ #247

Open hrshovonsmx opened 11 months ago

hrshovonsmx commented 11 months ago

Hello, First of all thanks a lot for this simple to use library. Converting a python code into C++ has been a breeze so far. But there are some issues that I would like to discuss.

Unfortunately I cant share model as its company proprietary stuff. But I am posting the code in case the mistake lies there.

Tensorflow python version 2.13

Tensorflow C api version 2.13

cppflow version latest

Model type: image segmentation(UNet)

model conversion code(python): This code was written to convert multiple models

import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ""
import tensorflow as tf
from efficientnet.tfkeras import EfficientNetB7
from tensorflow.python.framework.convert_to_constants import convert_variables_to_constants_v2
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, model_from_json
from pathlib import Path 
from glob import glob 
import numpy as np 
import json
import as skio

import tensorflow.keras.backend as K

model_paths = [SOME_MODEL_PATH]

for model_path in model_paths:
    model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_path,compile=False)
    def serve(*args, **kwargs):
        outputs = model(*args, **kwargs)
        # Apply postprocessing steps, or add additional outputs.
        return outputs

    # arg_specs is `[tf.TensorSpec(...), ...]`. kwarg_specs, in this
    # example, is an empty dict since functional models do not use keyword
    # arguments.
    arg_specs, kwarg_specs = model.save_spec()
    savepath = f"op_ocr/{Path(model_path).stem}", signatures={
      'serving_default': serve.get_concrete_function(*arg_specs,

Inference code(C++):

input is a vector of CV_32FC mats. For my case, I have two types, it could be 3 channel RGB(8 bit) or 3 channel RGB+1 channel NIR band(all of them 16 bit). division factor is 255.f for 8 bit and 65535.f for 16 bit


in both cases, some segmentation results are slightly different from python

The converted model was also tested on python, the results are same as keras h5 model.

for(int i=0;i<input.size();i++)
        cppflow::tensor img_tensor;
        if(dtype == TF_CONV_DTYPE_RGB)
            std::vector<uint8_t> img_data;
            img_data.assign(input[i].data, input[i].data + input[i].total() * num_channels);
            img_tensor = cppflow::tensor(img_data,{input_dim,input_dim,num_channels}); 
        else if(dtype == TF_CONV_DTYPE_NIR)

            Mat imgData = input[i].clone();

            std::vector<uint16_t> img_data = imgData.reshape(1,1); //img_data.assign((uint16_t *), (uint16_t *) + * num_channels);

            img_tensor = cppflow::tensor(img_data,{input_dim,input_dim,num_channels});
        img_tensor = cppflow::cast(img_tensor, dtype, TF_FLOAT);

        img_tensor = img_tensor / division_factor;

        img_tensor = cppflow::expand_dims(img_tensor, 0);
        auto inf_out = (*modelpts)({{inputsigname+":0", img_tensor}},{"StatefulPartitionedCall:0"})[0];
        //auto final_out = cppflow::arg_max(inf_out,3);
        //auto final_8bit = cppflow::cast(final_out,TF_INT64,TF_UINT8);
        std::vector<float> output_vector = inf_out.get_data<float>();
        Mat op = Mat(input_dim, input_dim, CV_32FC(num_classes));
        memcpy(,, output_vector.size()*sizeof(float));