serversideup / webext-bridge

💬 Messaging in Web Extensions made easy. Batteries included.
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No handler registered in 'background' error, but background handler still being found and invoked #69

Open VnUgE opened 1 year ago

VnUgE commented 1 year ago

So, I recently ran into a fun new issue I am having a hard time debugging. I recently switched up from using "hard-coded" message handlers to generating them dynamically at runtime. Not a single issue passing messages until that change. (Ill explain)


The background onMessage handler for that messageId is correctly registered and is actually being called despite that error in the foreground code.

Error conditions

I was having issues tracing with the debugger from the background side (couldn't repro), however I could trace with console messages to determine that the functions were still getting called despite the error and failure. However the sendMessage console error appears after the method is called, but before the promise resolves.

Example Source Code

``` TypeScript import { runtime } from "webextension-polyfill"; import { onMessage, sendMessage } from 'webext-bridge/background' import { BridgeMessage, RuntimeContext, isInternalEndpoint } from "webext-bridge"; import { JsonObject } from "type-fest"; import { cloneDeep } from "lodash"; import { debugLog } from "@vnuge/vnlib.browser"; export interface BgRuntime { readonly state: T; readonly onInstalled: (callback: () => Promise) => void; readonly onConnected: (callback: () => Promise) => void; } export type ApiExport = { [key: string]: Function }; export type IFeatureApi = (bgApi?: BgRuntime) => ApiExport export type SendMessageHandler = (action: string, data: any) => Promise export type VarArgsFunction = (...args: any[]) => T export interface IFeatureExport { background: (bgApi: BgRuntime) => TFeature foreground: () => TFeature } export interface IForegroundUnwrapper { use: (api:() => IFeatureExport) => T } export interface IBackgroundWrapper { register: (features: (() => IFeatureExport)[]) => void } export const useBackgroundFeatures = (state: TState): IBackgroundWrapper => { const rt = { state, onConnected: runtime.onConnect.addListener, onInstalled: runtime.onInstalled.addListener, } as BgRuntime return{ register: (features:(() => IFeatureExport)[]) => { for (const feature of features) { const f = feature().background(rt) for (const externFuncName in f) { const func = f[externFuncName] as Function const onMessageFuncName = `${}-${externFuncName}` onMessage(onMessageFuncName, async (msg: BridgeMessage) => { try { if (!isInternalEndpoint(msg.sender)) { throw new Error(`Unauthorized external call to ${onMessageFuncName}`) } const result = func( // ---> Foreground error is raised here if pending promise is awaited const data = await result; return { } } catch (e: any) { return { bridgeMessageException: JSON.stringify(e),} } }); }}}} } export const useForegoundFeatures = (sendMessage: SendMessageHandler): IForegroundUnwrapper => { return{ use: (feature:() => IFeatureExport): T => { const api = feature().foreground() const proxied : T = {} as T for(const funcName in api){ //Create proxy for each method proxied[funcName] = (async (...args:any) => { const result = await sendMessage(`${}-${funcName}`, cloneDeep(args)) as any if(result.bridgeMessageException){ const err = JSON.parse(result.bridgeMessageException) if(result.errResponse){ err.response = JSON.parse(result.errResponse) } throw err } return result; }) as any } return proxied; }} } const exampleFeature = () : IFeatureExport Promise}> => ({ foreground: () => ({ exampleMethod: () => Promise.resolve() //stub method never actually called }), background: (state:any) => ({ exampleMethod: () => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0)) //actual background method called }) }) //In background main.ts const { register } = useBackgroundFeatures({}) register([ exampleFeature ]) //In foreground const { use } = useForegoundFeatures(sendMessage) const { exampleMethod } = use(exampleFeature) await exampleMethod() //Mapped directly to background handler ```

Each script, popup/options/conent-script pass the correct sendMessage function to the useForegoundFeatures method. The senMessage function uses the default context argument (tried explicitly setting 'background' and doesnt change).

Extra steps I have taken

After debugging, it seems fairly obvious that a promise is not being properly awaited, I just need to figure out where, and why it would cause that type of exception. Big apologies if this a bonehead mistake, I have just been pulling my hair out all weekend and was hoping someone might be able to help. I have not pushed these latest changes to my repo yet (I wanted to debug first) but I can create a buggy branch if it would help seeing the entire project.

DonTsipa commented 1 year ago

Hey, just ran into this issue myself, it seems like in bundle there are both .js and .cjs files from this package. It can be a problem because of webpack / babel configuration, that forces to use commonjs instead of es6 modules. I added "sideEffects": false to my package.json and it worked

But sideEffects can be tricky By default Typescript uses CommonJs module resolution, so you can also set

  "module": "ES2020",
   "moduleResolution": "Bundler",

in your tsconfig.ts. It also will force to use only es6 module resolution Related issue on ts-loader:

VnUgE commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your response, I have been waiting to get some time to learn and play around. Tonight I have spent a few hours playing around with my tsconfig and Vite bundler settings, and nothing has changed unfortunately. I also tested setting "sideEffects":"false" in my package.json file. I always use "type":"module"

Here are my latest configurations maybe you might have some more insight

  "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.d.ts", "src/**/*.tsx", "src/**/*.vue"],
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2020",
    "useDefineForClassFields": true,
    "module": "es2020",
    "lib": ["ES2020", "DOM", "DOM.Iterable"],
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "moduleResolution": "bundler",
    "allowImportingTsExtensions": true,
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "noEmit": true,

    /* Linting */
    "strict": true,
    "noUnusedLocals": true,
    "noUnusedParameters": true,
    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true

And my vite.config.js build settings (I removed the server configs for brevity) I just added the build target value to vite for testing, but did not originally set it.

  plugins: [ vue() ],
  build: {
    cssCodeSplit: true,
    rollupOptions: {
      plugins: [],
    target: "es2020",
  optimizeDeps: {
    exclude: ['']
  css: {
    postcss: postcss
VnUgE commented 1 year ago

So I have been messing around a bit more. I downloaded the latest master branch into my local source tree and built it locally.

I was able to do some more tracing.

Only when tracing, I can catch the following exceptions, and see the promise being rejected with the screenshot below. Without the debugger attached, the promises returned from sendMessage() never actually complete (resolve or reject). This type of JS behavior is new to me. I have to assume this is a bundler or browser related issue. I haven't found a silver bullet bundler/tsconfig setting yet. I removed all intervals/timers that may have been blocking the event loop somehow, no change.

trace message

Error message

khlopik commented 2 months ago

I encountered the same issue today and found the root cause - using enums for message IDs, like this: sendMessage(ACTION.REQUEST_POPUP_DATA)

When I replaced the enum with a plain string value, everything started working without errors. Later, I realized there was a listener registered for an undefined message ID because the enum itself was undefined. Switching to string values resolved the issue.