sfbrigade / compass

Setting and tracking goals for students with disabilities (Project board: https://github.com/orgs/sfbrigade/projects/6)
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[Para] Benchmark Instructions #425

Open tam-janice opened 2 months ago

tam-janice commented 2 months ago

As a para, I want to see the instructions from the CM for the benchmark when it's my first time collecting data for it so that I can properly prepare the materials, environment and student to start an attempt.

AC 1. Given a para is on the Task instruction page When they want to go back to the assigned page Then they can click on the arrow on the top left corner

  1. Given a para is on the Task Instruction page When they want to move forward to collect data Then they click on the Start button at the bottom of the page

3 Given a para is on the Task Instruction page They will see all the fields from the CM Create Benchmark Instruction al Guidelines page in a read only format

Image Image

Design: https://www.figma.com/design/m09znscRXNqSziAiEbNLTf/Compass-Designs?node-id=13224-47324&t=WOjkZuRo49DP6jED-1

Link to prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/m09znscRXNqSziAiEbNLTf/Compass-Designs?page-id=1%3A5&node-id=13224-47290&node-type=frame&viewport=-3871%2C-3537%2C0.23&t=gR0EM39V1idAu5is-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=13224%3A47290&show-proto-sidebar=1

katconnors commented 1 week ago

See bug #468 (blocker for this ticket).