sferik / twitter-ruby

A Ruby interface to the Twitter API.
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Oauth2 access token secret for Twitter #1022

Closed dorianmariecom closed 11 months ago

dorianmariecom commented 1 year ago


I'm writing a Twitter client.

I have the access_token and refresh_token but I don't have the access_token_secret.

{"scope"=>"tweet.read offline.access", "expires_in"=>7200, "token_type"=>"bearer", "access_token"=>"a...E", "refresh_token"=>"NW...E", "raw_attributes"=>{"scope"=>"tweet.read offline.access", "expires_in"=>7200, "token_type"=>"bearer", "access_token"=>"aD...E", "refresh_token"=>"NW...E"}}

I would like to access the user's home timeline, how can I do that?

Here is the code for the client if it's relevant:

      @client ||= TwitterOAuth2::Client.new(
        identifier: credentials.client_id,
        secret: credentials.client_secret,
        redirect_uri: redirect_uri

      uri = client.authorization_uri(scope: scope.split)
      update!(extras: {code_verifier: client.code_verifier})

      client.authorization_code = code
      update!(extras: client.access_token!(extras["code_verifier"]))