What version of Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot are you using? Type /ver
What plugins are you using? Type /plugins
Please explain your issue. How do you trigger it?
Hi guys! My name is Breeze and I wanted to ask a question about the NameTagEdit plugin!
I created a hosted server to play with my friends and I use NTE, VAULT, LuckyPerms and Essentials to control everthing related to chat and nametags but I wanted to know how can I change the name that is above the playerskin when I use /nick of essentials. It changes everthing (chat and Tablist) but don't change in the player. Can you guys help me to solve this? I am sending some pictures to ilustrated a little bit more about it :D
Bug Report
Type /ver NametagEdit and post the output. 4.5.3
What version of Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot are you using? Type /ver 1.18.1
What plugins are you using? Type /plugins
Please explain your issue. How do you trigger it? Hi guys! My name is Breeze and I wanted to ask a question about the NameTagEdit plugin!
I created a hosted server to play with my friends and I use NTE, VAULT, LuckyPerms and Essentials to control everthing related to chat and nametags but I wanted to know how can I change the name that is above the playerskin when I use /nick of essentials. It changes everthing (chat and Tablist) but don't change in the player. Can you guys help me to solve this? I am sending some pictures to ilustrated a little bit more about it :D
Photo 1: https://imgur.com/bsnquqx (didn't changed for "Breeze" Photo 2: https://imgur.com/5mS59vq
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