sh0 / movit

Movit: High-performance, high-quality video filters for the GPU ( and
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Announcing Movit

Movit is the Modern Video Toolkit, notwithstanding that anything that's called “modern” usually isn't, and it's really not a toolkit.

Movit aims to be a high-quality, high-performance, open-source library for video filters.

TL;DR, please give me download link and system demands

OK, you need

Movit has been tested with Intel GPUs with the Mesa drivers (you'll probably need at least Mesa 8.0), Radeon 3850 and GeForce GTX 550 on Linux with the manufacturer's drivers, and with GeForce 8800 on OS X. Again, most likely, GPU compatibility shouldn't be a big issue. See below for performance estimates.

Still TL;DR, please give me the list of filters

Blur, diffusion, FFT-based convolution, glow, lift/gamma/gain (color correction), mirror, mix (add two inputs), luma mix (use a map to wipe between two inputs), overlay (the Porter-Duff “over” operation), scale (bilinear and Lanczos), sharpen (both by unsharp mask and by Wiener filters), saturation (or desaturation), vignette, and white balance.

Yes, that's a short list. But they all look great, are fast and don't give you any nasty surprises. (I'd love to include denoise, deinterlace and framerate up-/downconversion to the list, but doing them well are all research-grade problems, and Movit is currently not there.)

TL;DR, but I am interested in a programming example instead

Assuming you have an OpenGL context already set up (either a classic OpenGL context, a GL 3.x forward-compatible or core context, or a GLES3 context):

using namespace movit; EffectChain chain(1280, 720);

ImageFormat inout_format; inout_format.color_space = COLORSPACE_sRGB; inout_format.gamma_curve = GAMMA_sRGB; FlatInput *input = new FlatInput(inout_format, FORMAT_BGRA_POSTMULTIPLIED_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 1280, 720)); chain.add_input(input);

Effect *saturation_effect = chain.add_effect(new SaturationEffect()); saturation_effect->set_float("saturation", 0.7f);

Effect *lift_gamma_gain_effect = chain.add_effect(new LiftGammaGainEffect()); const float gain[] = { 0.8f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; lift_gamma_gain_effect->set_vec3("gain", &gain);

chain.add_output(inout_format, OUTPUT_ALPHA_FORMAT_POSTMULTIPLIED); chain.finalize();

for ( ;; ) { // Do whatever you need here to decode the next frame into . input->set_pixel_data(pixels); chain.render_to_screen(); }

OK, I can read a bit. What do you mean by “modern”?

Backwards compatibility is fine and all, but sometimes we can do better by observing that the world has moved on. In particular:

While from a programming standpoint I'd love to say that it's 2015 and interlacing does no longer exist, but that's not true (and interlacing, hated as it might be, is actually a useful and underrated technique for bandwidth reduction in broadcast video). Movit will eventually provide limited support for working with interlaced video, but currently does not.

What do you mean by “high-performance”?

Today, you can hardly get a cellphone without a multi-core, SIMD-capable CPU, and a GPU. Yet, almost all open-source pixel processing I've seen is written using straight-up single-threaded, scalar C! Clearly there is room for improvement here, and that improvement is sorely needed. We want to edit 1080p video, not watch slideshows.

Movit has chosen to run all pixel processing on the GPU, using GLSL—OpenCL is way too young, and CUDA is single-vendor (and also surprisingly hard to get good performance from for anything nontrivial). While “run on the GPU” does not equal “infinite speed” (I am fairly certain that for many common filters, I can beat the Intel-based GPU in my laptop with multithreaded SSE code on the CPU—especially as moving the data to and from the GPU has a cost that is not to be taken lightly), GPU programming is probably the simplest way of writing highly parallel code, and it also frees the CPU to do other things like video decoding.

Exactly what speeds you can expect is of course highly dependent on your GPU and the exact filter chain you are running. As a rule of thumb, you can run a reasonable filter chain (a lift/gamma/gain operation, a bit of diffusion, maybe a vignette) at 720p in around 30 fps on a two-year-old Intel laptop. If you have a somewhat newer Intel card, you can do 1080p video without much problems. And on a mid-range nVidia card of today (GTX 550 Ti), you can probably process 4K movies directly.

What do you mean by “high-quality”?

Movit aims to be high-quality in two important aspects, namely code quality and output quality. (Unfortunately, documentation quality is not on the list yet. Sorry.)

High-quality output?

Movit works internally in linear floating-point all the way, strongly reducing interim round-off and clipping errors. Furthermore, Movit is (weakly) colorspace-aware. Why do colorspaces matter? Well, here's a video frame from a typical camera, which records in Rec. 709 (the typical HDTV color space), and here's the same frame misinterpreted as Rec. 601 (the typical SDTV color space):

[insert picture here]

The difference might be subtle, but would you like that color cast? Maybe you could correct for it manually, but what if it happened on output instead of on input? And I can promise you that once we move to more wide-gamut color spaces, like the one in Rec. 2020 (used for UHDTV), the difference will be anything but subtle. As of why working in linear light matters, others have explained it better than I can; note also that this makes Movit future-proof when the world moves towards 10- and 12-bit color precision (although the latter requires Movit to change from 16-bit to 32-bit floating point, it is a simple switch). The extra power from the GPU makes all of this simple, so do we not need to make too many concessions for the sake of speed.

Movit does not currently do ICC profiles or advanced gamut mapping; if you have out-of-gamut colors, they will clip. Sorry.

OK, and high-quality code?

Image processing code can be surprisingly subtle; it's easy to write code that looks right, but that makes subtle artifacts that explode when processed further in a later step. (Or code that simply never worked, just that nobody cared to look at the output when a given parameter was set. I've seen that, too.)

Movit tries to counteract this by three different strategies:

There is, of course, always room for improvement. I'm sure you can find things that are stupid, little-thought-out, or buggy. If so, please let me know.

What do you mean by “open-source”?

Movit is licensed under the GNU GPL, either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.