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Page template & CSS rewrite #266

Closed virtualtam closed 7 years ago

virtualtam commented 9 years ago


ArthurHoaro commented 9 years ago

Hijacking my comment to reference changes made or to make on Shaarli's core to handle new templates.


See #627

I've added a wrapper function called t() to handle future translation. Every translatable string need to be called this way in templates:


or for plural forms

<p>{function="t('%s comment', '%s comments', $nbOfComments)"}</p>


See #625

I've added a login form in the header, which requires a token everywhere. A token variable is now passed to every template.


TODO - EDIT: this is planned in #372

The timezone selects need to be updated to be displayed properly on mobile.

Plugin placeholders

See #679

A few plugin placeholders (e.g. in the header) don't work properly with other templates. They need to be reviewed.

URL management

TODO - Related to #292

Adding a function to generate URLs would ease later URL maintenance, and will allow to handle an optional URL rewriting properly in the future.

Original comment:

That's very clear. :)

My two cents:

kalvn commented 8 years ago

I discovered recently another CSS framework which seems way lighter than Bootstrap : Pure.css. It weighs 4 Ko.

I didn't tested it by myself but I had a look at the documentation and it seems quite nice and straightforward.

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

From what I see, solid basic features, light, no JS. Also, it looks mature, and it's maintained by Yahoo! organization and has 13k+ stars on Github.

That seems great!

dper commented 8 years ago

No JS, great! :+1:

nicolasdanelon commented 8 years ago

Hi I saw this framework, seems to be good and solid, lightweight and has a little baseline for a quick start. I also like puse.css , never use it before but look awesome

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

skel looks more like a JS frontend framework, with a SASS based CSS. I'm not sure we need those.

nicolasdanelon commented 8 years ago

all right.. no prob !

mlanner commented 8 years ago

Depending on how this feature is implemented, it would probably be nice with a "standard" place for templates to live. In my current setup I put templates into tpl/TemplateName-version and symlink templatename to tpl/TemplateName-version for simpler updating and version tracking of themes.

In trying to update Shaarli itself, I've discovered that my convention might not be the best, as the Shaarli .gitignore file doesn't ignore anything in tpl. Therefore, I think a better theme solution would be to have a dir tpl/themes and then stick the themes in there.

I guess for now, although it seems a bit wrong, I'd actually be better off putting my themes into data/themes and symlink back to there. At least for the time being, that would not (potentially) delete my themes when I upgrade Shaarli.

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

My first contribution here #74 was actually to move the default template to tpl/default. It wasn't merged at the time because custom themes weren't a priority at all. But we should do this, and then add to gitignore:


For now, you can move your template in the data folder as you suggested, or use your global git ignore file.

alexisju commented 8 years ago

In same time, git pull in the root of your Shaarli (to update it) wont overwrite your specific template located into tpl/ (neither your data/config.php - the file where you can set the path of your template). Or maybe i don't understand well the issue...

nodiscc commented 8 years ago

Work started in branch webdesign, as per

mro commented 8 years ago any idea is welcome …

I recently turned away from server-side generated HTML markup, if there's already XML data. Examples are or

So the server-side PHP template engine could be removed entirely. Javascript makes date+time human readable but isn't required otherwise (see the first example on top).

I understand that this is quite radical and off mainstream, doesn't work so well for non-content pages (admin stuff) and uses the totally non-hip XSLT, but it's IMO definitively minimalistic to the extreme.

Isn't dropping all server-side templating appealing? What do you think about it?

nodiscc commented 8 years ago

For me this feature

works with Javascript disabled

is a major selling point of Shaarli. I still have JS enabled but like the fact that Shaarli doesn't depend on it. I prefer the server to do the heavy lifting (as opposed to client side parsing/rendering.

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

@mro That's an interesting concept to serve XML data as simply as possible. Although I don't really see how it's relevant here? Since Shaarli doesn't use XML data and is more complicated than just storage, we would have to render XML instead of (x)HTML.

On a side note, I'm spending half my work day doing XSLT these days, and it makes me want to drown kittens. :)

@nodiscc I agree.

mro commented 8 years ago

Javascript … Shaarli doesn't depend on it

I totally agree and invite you to view my two examples with JS disabled, too.

Since Shaarli doesn't use XML data

it does:

I'm spending half my work day doing XLST these days, and it makes me want to drown kittens.

well, then you could the other half of your day…(duck)

nodiscc commented 8 years ago

Need to consider

note that it might be a good idea to make each button easily hideable via CSS when rewriting the template ( (eg. <div id=rssbutton> in template, let users add #rssbutton { display: none } to custom CSS)

ArthurHoaro commented 8 years ago

Comment updated

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

Hi guys! I've something more or less working on the webdesign branch. If you could give me some feedback, that would be nice.

The config file is on read-only.

Also, the commit log in the branch is a total mess, I might have to just rebuild it from the start.

alexisju commented 7 years ago

Nice :-) However for a defaut template, i would prefer something more "neutral" (about design, colors, etc), more like Framasoft do with my.frama fork (

mro commented 7 years ago

While the core functionality (add a link) still works – thanks a lot – the 'delete' breaks:

I'll have a closer look, if there's a chance to get that backward compatible. @ArthurHoaro what do you mean? I guess doesn't find the entries.

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

@alexisju Myframa uses Material design, which I try not to reproduce here. I think I can get a bit more vanilla result by removing the green bar with the title.

@mro That's because I cherry-pick'd #682 which breaks backward compatibility. I'll push its milestone and see what I can do. What do I mean about what?

mro commented 7 years ago

What do I mean about what?

@ArthurHoaro about the delete compatibility. Frankly I'm not too keen about it, I don't use it and as long as nobody else complains, I'm be fine with GET requests.

But what puzzles me, is that when installing and testing it, the test fails in an a bit odd way.

Maybe I drop the delete test.

mro commented 7 years ago

I finally found it: it's the lf_linkdate form field doesn't exist no more. Could you add it back in?

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

Hi! I've removed the big green header to get a bit more neutral result. Let me know if you have any suggestion.

aurelg commented 7 years ago

I just checked the demo instance, which I find very nice, and much, much better than the current theme. The overall layout is much cleaner. However, the green color might not suit all tastes. Is there a way to change it without modifying the CSS itself? It would be awesome to be able to define it with a parameter somewhere. If it's hardcoded, then maybe a black/white/grey theme would be safer (think wallabag)?

elpiolito commented 7 years ago

Hi. I've just discovered the new theme, good idea, it need a cleanup :)

Just checked the demo instance, here a list of problems I found (some of them are question of taste) :

What i like :

good luck

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

@aurelg I don't plan it, but the CSS can still be overridden using user.css

On firefox/linux, font weight not clean, seems a little bit blurred on title's card (same on tag on each card).

@elpiolito Hmm... Maybe it is. Can you add a screenshot to see if we see the same thing?

So I got a lot of useful feedback by asking publicly (see the demo - warning: French), there is still quite a bunch of things to do, but I can see a PR happening by the end of the month.

kalvn commented 7 years ago

This new theme is by far nicer than the original one. It's way more modern and way less "geeky" which will help to seduce more users.

Actually, before listing some remarks about it, I'd just like to share a feeling. Even though the work put into it is really impressive, I can't help myself seeing the ghost of the original theme. The structure looks in fact quite similar (almost same top menu, same search with two fields, same filters arranged the same way, same footer, etc.). Wouldn't it have been worth rethinking the whole thing from the beginning? I'm sure the Shaarli community contains people used to deal with User Interfaces and User Experience in general. In the same way developers contribute to the core of the tool, that would be awesome to have some creative people proposing new ideas to improve the usability. I say this especially because I really suck at being creative but I often see wonderful ideas over the internet in terms of webdesign. Of course, such work would require to first put ideas on a piece of paper, before starting coding. A good design is absolutely not easy to create but it can be an interesting journey.

Anyhow, I really like this new design and really do not want to look preachy. All this work was absolutely necessary and was greatly done. I just try to start thinking of the future of this amazing tool's appearance.

A few points in disorder:

nodiscc commented 7 years ago

I really like the new template so far. @ArthurHoaro I believe you addressed most of the criticism found in comments, well done. A few remarks, mostly about grouping items:

About the color scheme, people with different tastes will inevitably want to change it (though I like the default one) so it would be good to provide a way to change major theme colors/provide a custom CSS.

enhance their visibility to the detriment of the rest (even hiding - one-click away - information that most people rarely need)?

A button to collapse all shaares (collapsing is a nice feature btw) near the items per page setting should do the trick

ArthurHoaro commented 7 years ago

@kalvn Well, I've rewritten the templates, but it's still Shaarli. Also I though it would be nice to have UI consistency between the templates. In any case, all kind of UI improvements can still happen in the future if we get good propositions, but it would probably require core changes, which are out of the scope of this issue.

Since the most important information is links' title and description, wouldn't it be nice to enhance their visibility to the detriment of the rest

I think that this issue is covered by the grey/blank background contrast.


Edit/delete/ buttons should be grouped together, in the same place

It was at first, but I actually got the opposite feedback, to avoid unfortunate miss-click, especially on mobile where the buttons aren't that big. And I kind of like how it is with the delete at the bottom. Still changeable though.

Private status indicator should be displayed on the top left hand of the container

It was also, but it broke titles alignment, and the important information is the title. The orange bar now makes it immediately visible that the link is private.

About the color scheme, people with different tastes will inevitably want to change it (though I like the default one) so it would be good to provide a way to change major theme colors/provide a custom CSS.

It's possible, but it would hackish (override the CSS 'on the fly'). I'd rather do that in a plugin.

About the green, I kinda like it, but it was more a random choice in a flat UI colour picker. Although, I wanted a dominant colour to give the theme its identity, and green because the current template uses green also. Unfortunately, the current green doesn't do well as a background. Anyway, the green isn't too present now, but if someone has a better result with another green, I'll look into it.

I think I've covered most of the feedbacks I got. I have to add the latest merged changes, run a W3C check, recreate a clean branch and I'll submit a PR.