shannonturner / metro-map-maker

Build the Metro system of your dreams: create your own metro maps, save them, and share with friends!
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Improvement: Right Menu Design & UI Library Recommendation #65

Closed ramazansancar closed 4 weeks ago

ramazansancar commented 6 months ago

By making improvements to the right menu design. I think a softer look with rounded, material design colors might be nice.

I think popular UI libraries such as React.js and Vue.js would be good for the project to receive development support from more users.

I'm open to feedback. Thanks for this project.

shannonturner commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm not sure what I'd use react or vue for in this project -- I'm able to do pretty much everything I want to without them, and would prefer not to add unnecessary dependencies.

Glad to hear you like the project, and happy mapmaking!