shannonturner / metro-map-maker

Build the Metro system of your dreams: create your own metro maps, save them, and share with friends!
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By generating SVGs on demand, the Download SVG button doesn't have to always give the saved version of the map #78

Open shannonturner opened 4 weeks ago

shannonturner commented 4 weeks ago

This wouldn't be too hard to do, though it does add a lot of complexity.

  1. Would want to create these in a temporary directory that's cleared out quickly
  2. Would want to gate the ability to generate SVGs behind recaptcha
  3. Would want to provide a drop-down menu with all of the options, because having as many as four buttons is a little silly:
    • Current map, PNG
    • Current map, SVG
    • Original map, PNG
    • Original map, SVG
  4. Would require a slight refactor of SVG generation to make it generate even when there's not a SavedMap object