Help translate REI on Crowdin!
This mod is both client sided and server sided.
Firstly, add my Maven repository (If you already have the architectury maven, you don't need to do this, they are the same repo)
repositories {
maven { url "" }
REI recommends you to declare a compile dependency on REI's API, and a runtime dependency on REI's full package.
dependencies {
modCompileOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-api-fabric:VERSION"
modRuntimeOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-fabric:VERSION"
Additionally, if you want to interact with the builtin plugins, you may declare a compile dependency on it as well.
dependencies {
modCompileOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-default-plugin-fabric:VERSION"
REI recommends you to just depend on REI's full package.
dependencies {
implementation fg.deobf("me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-forge:VERSION")
REI recommends you to declare a compile dependency on REI's API, and a runtime dependency on REI's full package.
dependencies {
modCompileOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-api-forge:VERSION"
modRuntimeOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-forge:VERSION"
Additionally, if you want to interact with the builtin plugins, you may declare a compile dependency on it as well.
dependencies {
modCompileOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-default-plugin-forge:VERSION"
REI recommends you to declare a compile dependency on REI's common API, and declare the full package on the individual platform's subprojects.
// Common
dependencies {
modCompileOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-api:VERSION"
// Fabric
dependencies {
modRuntimeOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-fabric:VERSION"
// Forge
dependencies {
modRuntimeOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-forge:VERSION"
Additionally, if you want to interact with the builtin plugins, you may declare a compile dependency on it as well.
// Common
dependencies {
modCompileOnly "me.shedaniel:RoughlyEnoughItems-default-plugin:VERSION"