shentonfreude / ROSA

Django clone of HQ app
1 stars 0 forks source link

Reports #43

Closed shentonfreude closed 12 years ago

shentonfreude commented 12 years ago
  1. Application Pipeline (abbreviated) [from/to dates]

Release date, Release number, Acronym, SR# Org acronym, NASA Requester, New version change Description

  1. Application Pipeline (full) [from/to dates]

Above plus Task Order, App Category (Finance, Acct), Software Class (F), System Name, Arch Type (web app), Status (Prior)

  1. Catalog of Supported Applications - Current Production Releases

Page per App: Current or Development (what if both?)

h1: Acronym, Version h2: Application app name app description

app owner app functional type NASA analyst software class

h2 Relase/config: status, version, change desc, rel date, sr number

h2 Security/Compliance: system type (genl supp sys), bia, info sens, auth meth, personal ID info indicator/datatype, compliance 2010, 508, awrs

h2 Organizational/Support Team: org title, org acronym, NASA SR requester, task order, triage level, branh_mgr, proj mgr, prim dev, alt dev

h2: usage/freq: user_group, freq, number

h2: Architecture: arch_type(webapp), url, sup dbms, softwer, app server, db server, report server, network svs

h2: interface/shared dependencies: interf acronym, interf dir, interf meth, fed rec qual, nrrs dispo, nrrs schedule/item

  1. All Current and In Development Releases by Acronym table: app cat, sw class, acro, sys name, release number, status, rel date, taask order, org acro, nasa req, sr#
  2. Total Current Apps/Web Sites and Releases in Development (core and 10.x)

table1: total current prod apps/web: h=10.01, 10.x, total; v=c/s, cs web, m/f, web app, web site, total table2: same for Development bar chart of table 1: h=c/s..., v=#, color code blue=10.01, orange=10.x bar chart2: same for table1

6 Types of Current Production Applications by [org] Acronym

barchart: h=org code, v=# stacked cs and web, cs, web

  1. Production Web Sites by Organization Acronym

barchart: h=org code, v=#

  1. Monthly Analysis of Applications Released

"Trend Analysis - Mar 2012", "Monthly Analysis of Applications Released SOW 3.1.5" Empty chart of Month | Total Total | 0

  1. Software Releases Core vs. Non Core

bar chart: y=number of releases, x=Others: core, noncore, total; then block of Totals core, noncore, total -- don't understand

shentonfreude commented 12 years ago

Separated into separate tickets #44 #45 #46 #47 #48 #49 #50 #51 #52