sherissacheng / WebTechProject

This is a website for OIM3690 Web Tech class
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Content Idea #1

Open kcarleton1 opened 1 year ago

kcarleton1 commented 1 year ago

Hi Sherissa! Great job on your first project draft! I think you could add some color/pictures on the home page to grab the reader's attention. I would love to see pictures of you and your family/friends, or even pictures you enjoy!

kcarleton1 commented 1 year ago

Another idea for the content is to implement a way to play music while visiting the website! I feel like it would be a cool way for users to listen to your favorite songs!

drewrowe-babson commented 1 year ago

Issue #1: I would make the positioning of the top navigation bar "fixed" and centered so it is in the middle of the screen, it seems a bit out of the way on the top right.

Issue #2: Add hyperlinks that are embedded in the images to let the user be directed to a place where they can add the song to either their apple music or Spotify

Content #1: Add more images to the home page, while also hyperlinking them to different pages in the website so that the user can see something that interests them and then will click on it and be redirected to another page of content

Content #2: Try and add some music videos or clips from movies to make the website a little more interactive. Something that the user can click on and watch on the website.

Other than that the website looks great!

sherissacheng commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you both for your input! I'll definitely include them into my final version.