sherlock-audit / 2022-10-illuminate-judging

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JohnSmith - Function `convertToUnderlying(uint256 s)` does not follow EIP5095 #182

Closed sherlock-admin closed 2 years ago

sherlock-admin commented 2 years ago



Function convertToUnderlying(uint256 s) does not follow EIP5095


The convertToUnderlying function does not follow EIP5095 standard, when called before maturity

Vulnerability Detail

according to convertToUnderlying

Before maturity, the amount of underlying returned is as if the PTs would be at maturity.

in illuminate docs stateв that

upon maturity, may redeem the underlying at a 1:1 ratio

when block.timestamp < maturity we call previewRedeem(s)

64:         if (block.timestamp < maturity) {
65:             return previewRedeem(s);
66:         }

which will lead to IYield(pool).buyBasePreview(Cast.u128(a)); Such implementation will result in not having 1:1


Users, who view this as implementation of EIP5095 will get not expected results, which may lead to some value loss.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Always return promised 1:1

58:     function convertToUnderlying(uint256 s)
59:         external
60:         view
61:         override
62:         returns (uint256)
63:     {
- 64:         if (block.timestamp < maturity) {
- 65:             return previewRedeem(s);//@audit breaking EIP5095, should return s anyway
- 66:         }
67:         return s;
68:     }

If user wants to see what they can get before maturity, they should call previewRedeem(uint256)