sherlock-audit / 2023-02-telcoin-judging

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Tricko - `slash` calls can be blocked, allowing malicious users to bypass the slashing mechanism. #54

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



slash calls can be blocked, allowing malicious users to bypass the slashing mechanism.


A malicious user can block slashing by frontrunning slash with a call to stake(1) at the same block, allowing him to keep blocking calls to slash while waiting for his withdraw delay, effectively bypassing the slashing mechanism.

Vulnerability Detail

StakingModule's checkpointProtection modifier reverts certain actions, like claims, if the accounts' stake was previously modified in the same block. A malicious user can exploit this to intentionally block calls to slash.

Consider the following scenario, where Alice has SLASHER_ROLE and Bob is the malicious user.

  1. Alice calls slash on Bob's account.
  2. Bob sees the transaction on the mempool and tries to frontrun it by staking 1 TEL. (See Proof of Concept section below for a simplified example of this scenario)

If Bob stake call is processed first (he can pay more gas to increase his odds of being placed before than Alice), his new stake is pushed to _stakes[address(Bob)], and his latest checkpoint (_stakes[address(Bob)]._checkpoints[numCheckpoints - 1]) blockNumber field is updated to the current block.number. So when slash is being processed in the same block and calls internally _claimAndExit it will revert due to the checkpointProtection modifier check (See code snippet below).

modifier checkpointProtection(address account) {
    uint256 numCheckpoints = _stakes[account]._checkpoints.length;
    require(numCheckpoints == 0 || _stakes[account]._checkpoints[numCheckpoints - 1]._blockNumber != block.number, "StakingModule: Cannot exit in the same block as another stake or exit");

Bob can do this indefinitely, eventually becoming a gas war between Alice and Bob or until Alice tries to use Flashbots Protect or similar services to avoid the public mempool. More importantly, this can be leverage to block all slash attempts while waiting the time required to withdraw, so the malicious user could call requestWithdrawal(), then keep blocking all future slash calls while waiting for his withdrawalDelay, then proceed to withdraws his stake when block.timestamp > withdrawalRequestTimestamps[msg.sender] + withdrawalDelay. Therefore bypassing the slashing mechanism.

In this modified scenario

  1. Alice calls slash on Bob's account.
  2. Bob sees the transaction on the mempool and tries to frontrun it by staking 1 TEL.
  3. Bob requests his withdraw (requestWithdrawal())
  4. Bob keeps monitoring the mempool for future calls to slash against his account, trying to frontrun each one of them.
  5. When enough time has passed so that his withdraw is available, Bob calls exit or fullClaimAndExit


Slashing calls can be blocked by malicious user, allowing him to request his withdraw, wait until withdraw delay has passed (while blocking further calls to slash) and then withdraw his funds.

Classify this one as medium severity, because even though there are ways to avoid being frontrunned, like paying much more gas or using services like Flashbots Protect, none is certain to work because the malicious user can use the same methods to their advantage. And if the malicious user is successful, this would result in loss of funds to the protocol (i.e funds that should have been slashed, but user managed to withdraw them)

Proof of Concept

The POC below shows that staking prevents any future call to slash on the same block. To reproduce this POC just copy the code to a file on the test/ folder and run it.

const { expect } = require("chai")
const { ethers, upgrades } = require("hardhat")

const emptyBytes = []

describe("POC", () => {
  let deployer
  let alice
  let bob
  let telContract
  let stakingContract

  beforeEach("setup", async () => {
    [deployer, alice, bob] = await ethers.getSigners()

    const TELFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestTelcoin", deployer)
    const StakingModuleFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(
    telContract = await TELFactory.deploy(deployer.address)
    await telContract.deployed()
    stakingContract = await upgrades.deployProxy(StakingModuleFactory, [

    //Grant SLASHER_ROLE to Alice
    SLASHER_ROLE = await stakingContract.SLASHER_ROLE()
    await stakingContract
      .grantRole(SLASHER_ROLE, alice.address)

    //Send some TEL tokens to Bob
    await telContract.connect(deployer).transfer(bob.address, 1)

    //Setup approvals
    await telContract
      .approve(stakingContract.address, 1)

  describe("POC", () => {
    it("should revert during slash", async () => {
      //Disable auto-mining and set interval to 0 necessary to guarantee both transactions
      //below are mined in the same block, reproducing the frontrunning scenario.
      await network.provider.send("evm_setAutomine", [false]);
      await network.provider.send("evm_setIntervalMining", [0]);

      //Bob stakes 1 TEL
      await stakingContract

      //Turn on the auto-mining, so that after the next transaction is sent, the block is mined.
      await network.provider.send("evm_setAutomine", [true]);

      //Alice tries to slash Bob, but reverts.
      await expect(stakingContract
        .slash(bob.address, 1, stakingContract.address, emptyBytes))
          "StakingModule: Cannot exit in the same block as another stake or exit"

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider implementing a specific version of _claimAndExit without the checkpointProtection modifier, to be used inside the slash function.

amshirif commented 1 year ago

Two different issues are in the same PR because they both stem from the same modifier.

amshirif commented 1 year ago

dmitriia commented 1 year ago

Looks ok