sherlock-audit / 2023-03-teller-judging

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0x52 - CollateralManager#commitCollateral can be called by anyone #169

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



CollateralManager#commitCollateral can be called by anyone


CollateralManager#commitCollateral has no access control allowing users to freely add malicious tokens to any bid

Vulnerability Detail


function commitCollateral(
    uint256 _bidId,
    Collateral[] calldata _collateralInfo
) public returns (bool validation_) {
    address borrower = tellerV2.getLoanBorrower(_bidId);
    (validation_, ) = checkBalances(borrower, _collateralInfo); <- @audit-issue no access control

    if (validation_) {
        for (uint256 i; i < _collateralInfo.length; i++) {
            Collateral memory info = _collateralInfo[i];
            _commitCollateral(_bidId, info);

CollateralManager#commitCollateral has no access control and can be called by anyone on any bidID. This allows an attacker to front-run lenders and add malicious tokens to a loan right before it is filled.

1) A malicious user creates a malicious token that can be transferred once before being paused and returns uint256.max for balanceOf 2) User A creates a loan for 10e18 ETH against 50,000e6 USDC at 10% APR 3) User B decides to fill this loan and calls TellerV2#lenderAcceptBid 4) The malicious user sees this and front-runs with a CollateralManager#commitCollateral call adding the malicious token 5) Malicious token is now paused breaking both liquidations and fully paying off the loan 6) Malicious user leverages this to ransom the locked tokens, unpausing when it is paid


User can add malicious collateral calls to any bid they wish

Code Snippet



Tool used

Manual Review


Cause CollateralManager#commitCollateral to revert if called by anyone other than the borrower, their approved forwarder or TellerV2

ethereumdegen commented 1 year ago

Thank you to the many many auditors who discovered this vulnerability. Will fix.

ethereumdegen commented 1 year ago

Github PR : fix/sherlock/169

IAm0x52 commented 1 year ago

PR: #98

IAm0x52 commented 1 year ago

Fix looks good. commitCollateral can now only be called by TellerV2