sherlock-audit / 2023-05-USSD-judging

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SensoYard - getOwnValuation() of the USSDRebalancer is easily manipulated (Uniswap V3 spot price) #923

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



getOwnValuation() of the USSDRebalancer is easily manipulated (Uniswap V3 spot price)


USSDRebalancer doesn't use a Chainlink oracle or a TWAP oracle to compute the DAI/USDD price. It is easy for an attacker to manipulate the price in order to trigger a rebalance.

Vulnerability Detail

Rebalances are based on getOwnValuation() value. This value is based on Uniswap slot0. slot0 is the most recent data point and can easily be manipulated.

    /// @dev get price estimation to DAI using pool address and uniswap price
    function getOwnValuation() public view returns (uint256 price) {
        (uint160 sqrtPriceX96, , , , , , ) = uniPool.slot0();
        if (uniPool.token0() == USSD) {
            price =
                ((uint(sqrtPriceX96) * (uint(sqrtPriceX96))) / (1e6)) >>
                (96 * 2);
        } else {
            price =
                (uint(sqrtPriceX96) *
                    (uint(sqrtPriceX96)) *
                    (1e18)) /* 1e12 + 1e6 decimal representation */ >>
                (96 * 2);
            // flip the fraction
            price = (1e24 / price) / 1e12;


The rebalance will happen based on a wrong valuation and the protocol will lose fund.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


If possible, use the uniswap TWAP oracle

Duplicate of #451