When converting uniswap price from a Q notation ( eg: sqrtPriceX96 ) to actual value ( sqrtPrice ) you divide the sqrtPriceX96 with the 2^k ( k being the number after the X.)
sqrtPrice = sqrtPriceX96 / 2^96
In bitwise operations, >> (SHR), digits are moved, or shifted, to the right
Eg: 1010 >> 1 = 101 (in decimal: 10 >> 1 = 5)
Note: M >> n is the same as M / 2^n, therefore:
10 >> 1 = 10 / 2^1
Convert from sqrtPriceX96 to sqrtPrice
Convert sqrtPrice to Price by multiplying by itself (i.e square)
Adjust final price for decimal difference.
Price returned is always zero
Vulnerability Detail
When converting uniswap price from a Q notation ( eg: sqrtPriceX96 ) to actual value ( sqrtPrice ) you divide the sqrtPriceX96 with the 2^k ( k being the number after the X.)
In bitwise operations, >> (SHR), digits are moved, or shifted, to the right Eg: 1010 >> 1 = 101 (in decimal: 10 >> 1 = 5)
Note: M >> n is the same as M / 2^n, therefore:
Steps: Convert from sqrtPriceX96 to sqrtPrice Convert sqrtPrice to Price by multiplying by itself (i.e square) Adjust final price for decimal difference.
squares the values first then shifts it with 192. The shift is large such that the value returned will be 0.Impact
price returned is always zero
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
Follow the official guidelines by uniswap when calculating the exchange rate.
References: https://blog.uniswap.org/uniswap-v3-math-primer#how-do-i-calculate-the-current-exchange-rate
Duplicate of #222