sherlock-audit / 2023-05-USSD-judging

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0xpinky - USSDRebalancer.sol : flutterRatios is not used properly. #970

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



USSDRebalancer.sol : flutterRatios is not used properly.


flutterRatios is not checked properly during SellUSSDBuyCollateral

Vulnerability Detail

function SellUSSDBuyCollateral() internal {
  uint256 amount = IUSSD(USSD).balanceOf(USSD);
  // sell for DAI then swap by DAI routes
  uint256 daibought = 0;
  if (uniPool.token0() == USSD) {
    daibought = IERC20Upgradeable(baseAsset).balanceOf(USSD);
    IUSSD(USSD).UniV3SwapInput(bytes.concat(abi.encodePacked(uniPool.token0(), hex"0001f4", uniPool.token1())), amount);
    daibought = IERC20Upgradeable(baseAsset).balanceOf(USSD) - daibought; // would revert if not bought
  } else {
    daibought = IERC20Upgradeable(baseAsset).balanceOf(USSD);
    IUSSD(USSD).UniV3SwapInput(bytes.concat(abi.encodePacked(uniPool.token1(), hex"0001f4", uniPool.token0())), amount);
    daibought = IERC20Upgradeable(baseAsset).balanceOf(USSD) - daibought; // would revert if not bought

  // total collateral portions
  uint256 cf = IUSSD(USSD).collateralFactor();
  uint256 flutter = 0;
  for (flutter = 0; flutter < flutterRatios.length; flutter++) {
    if (cf < flutterRatios[flutter]) {

in order to buy the collateral, USSD sold. Above code snip shows that the collateral factor is compared with flutterRatios. whether the comparison is < or >, contract still allows the operation.


During healthy position, rebalancing still happens.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Refactor the codes and use the flutterRatios correctly.