no check for exipred Price Timestamp like in PartyB which can cause price staleness
In PartyB liquidation priceSig.timestamp is checked to be close to block.timstamp but in PartyA liquidation this is not checked which can cause some issues
Then for setSymbolsPrices it doesn't check the sig for timestamp forverifyPrice`
so A liquidator can use an old price from a long timestamp and since its not checked it can cause profit for PartyA/PartyB and this can be dirrected at each party causing some of them loss
Liquidation happens at eth price 1000 at 20 timestamp
Now price is at 2000 at timestamp 40 but 20 is still used and since there is no check PartyA has short So PartyB can get more profit than they should
Free profit for PartyB/PartyA
Code Snippet
function setSymbolsPrice(address partyA, PriceSig memory priceSig) internal {
MAStorage.Layout storage maLayout = MAStorage.layout();
AccountStorage.Layout storage accountLayout = AccountStorage.layout();
// @audit this dosnt check the timestmap like the other muon functions
LibMuon.verifyPrices(priceSig, partyA);
require(maLayout.liquidationStatus[partyA], "LiquidationFacet: PartyA is solvent");
// @audit see here that chec is not good since timestmap can be below these
priceSig.timestamp <=
maLayout.liquidationTimestamp[partyA] + maLayout.liquidationTimeout,
"LiquidationFacet: Expired signature"
for (uint256 index = 0; index < priceSig.symbolIds.length; index++) {
accountLayout.symbolsPrices[partyA][priceSig.symbolIds[index]] = Price(
int256 availableBalance = LibAccount.partyAAvailableBalanceForLiquidation(
if (accountLayout.liquidationDetails[partyA].liquidationType == LiquidationType.NONE) {
accountLayout.liquidationDetails[partyA] = LiquidationDetail({
liquidationType: LiquidationType.NONE,
upnl: priceSig.upnl,
totalUnrealizedLoss: priceSig.totalUnrealizedLoss,
deficit: 0,
liquidationFee: 0
no check for exipred Price Timestamp like in PartyB which can cause price staleness
In PartyB liquidation
is checked to be close to block.timstamp but in PartyA liquidation this is not checked which can cause some issuesVulnerability Detail
The second step in liquidation for PartyA
Then for
setSymbolsPrices it doesn't check the sig for timestamp for
verifyPrice` so A liquidator can use an old price from a long timestamp and since its not checked it can cause profit for PartyA/PartyB and this can be dirrected at each party causing some of them loss Ex: Liquidation happens at eth price 1000 at 20 timestamp Now price is at 2000 at timestamp 40 but 20 is still used and since there is no check PartyA has short So PartyB can get more profit than they shouldImpact
Free profit for PartyB/PartyA
Code Snippet
Tool used
Forge Manual Review
Add timestmap check to muon or this:
Duplicate of #113