Missing check if address (to) in burn function is authorized to redeem _weth/_token.
The burn function missing check that address (to) has indeed Liquidity. This allows anyone to call the function and potentially steal _weth and _token.
the vulnerability in burn function that allow any one to pass his address (to) to get free tokens _weth/_token this is because burn function doesn't check if address (to) has indeed provided liquidity so it just calculate the amountWeth/amountToken and checks if (amountWeth == 0 || amountToken == 0) if this condition pass it transfers amountWeth/amounToken to address (to).
// @audit missing check if address(to) is allowed to get _weth/_token.
function burn(address to) external returns(uint256 amountWeth, uint256 amountToken) {
uint256 liquidity = balanceOf(address(this));
// initial lp can bypass this check by using different
// to address so _lastPoolTokenSender is used
if (_vestingUntil == _MAX_UINT32) revert GoatErrors.PresalePeriod();
uint256 totalSupply_ = totalSupply();
amountWeth = (liquidity * _reserveEth) / totalSupply_;
amountToken = (liquidity * _reserveToken) / totalSupply_;
if (amountWeth == 0 || amountToken == 0) {
revert GoatErrors.InsufficientLiquidityBurned();
_burn(address(this), liquidity);
// Transfer liquidity tokens to the user
// @audit it transfers amountWeth/amountToken to address(to)
IERC20(_weth).safeTransfer(to, amountWeth);
IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(to, amountToken);
uint256 balanceEth = IERC20(_weth).balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 balanceToken = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this));
_update(balanceEth, balanceToken, true);
emit Burn(msg.sender, amountWeth, amountToken, to);
Attackers can exploit this vulnerability to steal _weth and _token, this will damage the protocol and cause losing funds.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
add a mechanism to check if address (to) indeed has the right to redeem _weth/_token from the pool if not revert.
Missing check if address (to) in burn function is authorized to redeem _weth/_token.
The burn function missing check that address (to) has indeed Liquidity. This allows anyone to call the function and potentially steal _weth and _token.
Vulnerability Detail
the vulnerability in burn function that allow any one to pass his address (to) to get free tokens _weth/_token this is because burn function doesn't check if address (to) has indeed provided liquidity so it just calculate the amountWeth/amountToken and checks if (amountWeth == 0 || amountToken == 0) if this condition pass it transfers amountWeth/amounToken to address (to).
Attackers can exploit this vulnerability to steal _weth and _token, this will damage the protocol and cause losing funds.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
add a mechanism to check if address (to) indeed has the right to redeem _weth/_token from the pool if not revert.