sherlock-audit / 2024-03-goat-trading-judging

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FastTiger - An attacker can use the `swap` function to receive more tokens with a smaller amount of ETH. #81

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 8 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 8 months ago



An attacker can use the swap function to receive more tokens with a smaller amount of ETH.


An attacker can receive more tokens with a smaller amount of ETH by directly calling theGoatV1Pair.sol#swap function. Therefore, the protocol suffers a loss of funds.

Vulnerability Detail

The GoatV1Pair.sol#swap function is as follows.

    function swap(uint256 amountTokenOut, uint256 amountWethOut, address to) external nonReentrant {
        if (amountTokenOut == 0 && amountWethOut == 0) {
            revert GoatErrors.InsufficientOutputAmount();
        if (amountTokenOut != 0 && amountWethOut != 0) {
            revert GoatErrors.MultipleOutputAmounts();
        GoatTypes.LocalVariables_Swap memory swapVars;
        swapVars.isBuy = amountWethOut > 0 ? false : true;
        // check for mev

        (swapVars.initialReserveEth, swapVars.initialReserveToken) = _getActualReserves();

        if (amountTokenOut > swapVars.initialReserveToken || amountWethOut > swapVars.initialReserveEth) {
            revert GoatErrors.InsufficientAmountOut();

        if (swapVars.isBuy) {
            swapVars.amountWethIn = IERC20(_weth).balanceOf(address(this)) - swapVars.initialReserveEth
                - _pendingLiquidityFees - _pendingProtocolFees;
            // optimistically send tokens out
            IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(to, amountTokenOut);
        } else {
            swapVars.amountTokenIn = IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)) - swapVars.initialReserveToken;
            // optimistically send weth out
            IERC20(_weth).safeTransfer(to, amountWethOut);
        swapVars.vestingUntil = _vestingUntil;
        swapVars.isPresale = swapVars.vestingUntil == _MAX_UINT32;

        (swapVars.feesCollected, swapVars.lpFeesCollected) =
            _handleFees(swapVars.amountWethIn, amountWethOut, swapVars.isPresale);

        swapVars.tokenAmount = swapVars.isBuy ? amountTokenOut : swapVars.amountTokenIn;

        // We store details of participants so that we only allow users who have
        // swap back tokens who have bought in the vesting period.
        if (swapVars.vestingUntil > block.timestamp) {
            _updatePresale(to, swapVars.tokenAmount, swapVars.isBuy);

        if (swapVars.isBuy) {
            swapVars.amountWethIn -= swapVars.feesCollected;
        } else {
            unchecked {
                amountWethOut += swapVars.feesCollected;
        swapVars.finalReserveEth = swapVars.isBuy
            ? swapVars.initialReserveEth + swapVars.amountWethIn
            : swapVars.initialReserveEth - amountWethOut;
        swapVars.finalReserveToken = swapVars.isBuy
            ? swapVars.initialReserveToken - amountTokenOut
            : swapVars.initialReserveToken + swapVars.amountTokenIn;

        swapVars.bootstrapEth = _bootstrapEth;
        // presale lp fees should go to reserve eth
        if (swapVars.isPresale && ((swapVars.finalReserveEth + swapVars.lpFeesCollected) > swapVars.bootstrapEth)) {
            // at this point pool should be changed to an AMM
            _checkAndConvertPool(swapVars.finalReserveEth + swapVars.lpFeesCollected, swapVars.finalReserveToken);
        } else {
            // check for K

            (swapVars.virtualEthReserveBefore, swapVars.virtualTokenReserveBefore) =
                _getReserves(swapVars.vestingUntil, swapVars.initialReserveEth, swapVars.initialReserveToken);
            (swapVars.virtualEthReserveAfter, swapVars.virtualTokenReserveAfter) =
                _getReserves(swapVars.vestingUntil, swapVars.finalReserveEth, swapVars.finalReserveToken);
            if (
                swapVars.virtualEthReserveBefore * swapVars.virtualTokenReserveBefore
                    > swapVars.virtualEthReserveAfter * swapVars.virtualTokenReserveAfter
            ) {
                revert GoatErrors.KInvariant();

        if (swapVars.isPresale) {
            swapVars.finalReserveEth += swapVars.lpFeesCollected;
        _update(swapVars.finalReserveEth, swapVars.finalReserveToken, false);

        emit Swap(
            swapVars.amountWethIn + swapVars.feesCollected,

As you can see on the right, if you set the parameters in the GoatV1Pair.sol#swap function to amountTokenOut = a and amountWethOut = 0, swapVars.isBuy = true. Also, before this, the attacker sends b + swapVars.initialReserveEth+_pendingLiquidityFees + _pendingProtocolFeeswei directly to this contract. At this time, since swapVars.amountWethIn = b, it continues to be executed in the _handleFees function. Next, there is the conditional statement below.

    (swapVars.virtualEthReserveBefore, swapVars.virtualTokenReserveBefore) =
        _getReserves(swapVars.vestingUntil, swapVars.initialReserveEth, swapVars.initialReserveToken);
    (swapVars.virtualEthReserveAfter, swapVars.virtualTokenReserveAfter) =
        _getReserves(swapVars.vestingUntil, swapVars.finalReserveEth, swapVars.finalReserveToken);
    if (
        swapVars.virtualEthReserveBefore * swapVars.virtualTokenReserveBefore
            > swapVars.virtualEthReserveAfter * swapVars.virtualTokenReserveAfter
    ) {
        revert GoatErrors.KInvariant();

Here, the attacker carefully considers the quantity relationship to avoid reverting. Let's look at a simple example. swapVars.virtualEthReserveBefore = 60, swapVars.virtualTokenReserveBefore = 30 and a = 5, b = 5. Since (60 * 30 <= 55 * 35), it is not reverted.


The attacker determines the exact quantity relationship and profits from it. Therefore, the protocol suffers a loss of funds. Since this is easily possible, I mark it as medium.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


There are several ways, but the simplest way is to prevent the swap function from being called directly from outside.

chiranz commented 8 months ago

The details regarding the claim are vague. If I considered values provided by the hunter :- Kbefore = 30 * 60 => 1800 Kafter = 55 * 35 => 1925

Since Kafter >= Kbefore I don't see any issue here.

chrischan0204 commented 8 months ago

escalate sorry, I think I have mistake. but kbefore = 4060 = 2400, kafter = 6535 = 2275, how do you think about it?