sherlock-audit / 2024-06-velocimeter-judging

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Varun_19 - The current value of a Pair is not always returning a 30-minute TWAP and can be manipulated #687

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago



The current value of a Pair is not always returning a 30-minute TWAP and can be manipulated


The current function returns a current TWAP. It fetches the last observation and calculates the TWAP between the last observation. The observation is pushed every thirty minutes. However, the interval between current timestamp and the last observation varies a lot. In most cases, the TWAP interval is shorter than 30 minutes.

Vulnerability Detail

// gives the current twap price measured from amountIn * tokenIn gives amountOut
    function current(address tokenIn, uint amountIn) external view returns (uint amountOut) {
        Observation memory _observation = lastObservation();
        (uint reserve0Cumulative, uint reserve1Cumulative,) = currentCumulativePrices();
        if (block.timestamp == _observation.timestamp) {
            _observation = observations[observations.length-2];

        uint timeElapsed = block.timestamp - _observation.timestamp;
        uint _reserve0 = (reserve0Cumulative - _observation.reserve0Cumulative) / timeElapsed;
        uint _reserve1 = (reserve1Cumulative - _observation.reserve1Cumulative) / timeElapsed;
        amountOut = _getAmountOut(amountIn, tokenIn, _reserve0, _reserve1);

If the last observation is newly updated, the timeElapsed will be much shorter than 30 minutes. The cost of price manipulation is cheaper in this case. Assume the last observation is updated at T. The exploiter can launch an attack at T + 30_MINUTES - 1

  1. At T + 30_MINUTES - 1, the exploiter tries to manipulate the price of the pair. Assume the price is moved to 100x.
  2. At T + 30_MINUTES, the exploiter pokes the pair. The pair push an observation with the price = 100x.
  3. At T + 30_MINUTES + 1, the exploiter tries to exploit external protocols. The current function fetches the last observation and calculates the TWAP between the last observation and the current price. It ends up calculating the two-block-interval TWAP.


    TWAP can be manipulated.Also pair won't always return a 30 minute TWAP.

    Code Snippet

    Tool used

Manual Review


A solution is a lastTWAP where always calculate the TWAP based on the last two observations. As the time elapsed between two observations is always larger than 30 minutes, the manipulation cost is guaranteed to be high.

nevillehuang commented 1 month ago

Spearbit 5.4.12, noted as low

Invalid, additionally, the current() functionality is never used within the codebase