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tobi0x18 - Fixed side depositors won't be eligible for referral rewards for depositing ETH #127

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 2 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 months ago



Fixed side depositors won't be eligible for referral rewards for depositing ETH


When fixed side depositors deposits some amount of Ether to the vault, it deposits to the Lido. However, it sets its referral address as address(0). As a result, they can't receive referral rewards for depositing ETH.

Root Cause

When fixed side depositors deposits some amount of Ether to the vault, it deposits to the Lido. At LidoVault.sol#L351, it deposits Ether to the Lido. However, it sets a referral address as address(0)

File: lido-fiv\contracts\LidoVault.sol
328:   function deposit(uint256 side) external payable {
351:       uint256 shares = lido.submit{value: amount}(address(0)); // _referral address argument is optional use zero address

The Lido protocol allows caller to pass referral argument when depositing ETH, and referral account can be eligible for referral rewards if it is valid.

The _referral parameter indicates the referral account which will be eligible for referral rewards. If a fixed depositor is eligible for referral rewards, he can't receive any rewards.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

Fixed side depositors are eligible for referral rewards.

Attack Path

No response


Fixed side depositors won't be eligible for referral rewards as expected, this can be significant value leak to the them.


No response


Use the address of a caller as referral instead address(0).

-       uint256 shares = lido.submit{value: amount}(address(0)); // _referral address argument is optional use zero address
+       uint256 shares = lido.submit{value: amount}(msg.sender);