Insufficient Fixed-Side Capacity in Vault Creation Can Lead to Unusable Vaults
The VaultFactory contract's createVault function deploys a new LidoVault contract and initializes it with parameters like _fixedSideCapacity, _duration, and _variableSideCapacity.
Currently, the createVault function lacks a check to ensure that the _fixedSideCapacity parameter is sufficiently large to accommodate the minimum fixed deposit requirement defined by minimumFixedDepositBps in the LidoVault contract.
uint256 public immutable minimumFixedDepositBps = 500; // default 5%
// ... other code ...
require(params.fixedSideCapacity.mulDiv(minimumFixedDepositBps, 10_000) >= minimumDepositAmount, "IFC");
This omission can lead to the deployment of vaults where it's practically impossible for fixed-side depositors to participate due to an excessively high minimum deposit requirement. Specifically, if the _fixedSideCapacity is set too low, the calculated minimumFixedDeposit might exceed the _fixedSideCapacity, making it impossible to fulfill.
The minimumDepositAmount in LidoVault is set to 0.01 ETH.
A user calls createVault() with _fixedSideCapacity set to 0.1 ETH (which is lower than minimumFixedDepositBps (5%) of _fixedSideCapacity)
The vault is deployed, but fixed-side deposits are impossible because the minimum required deposit (5% of 0.1 ETH = 0.005 ETH) is less than the global minimum deposit amount (0.01 ETH).
Introduce a check in the createVault function within VaultFactory.sol to enforce that the _fixedSideCapacity is greater than or equal to the calculated minimum fixed deposit amount.
Insufficient Fixed-Side Capacity in Vault Creation Can Lead to Unusable Vaults
The VaultFactory contract's createVault function deploys a new LidoVault contract and initializes it with parameters like _fixedSideCapacity, _duration, and _variableSideCapacity.
Currently, the createVault function lacks a check to ensure that the _fixedSideCapacity parameter is sufficiently large to accommodate the minimum fixed deposit requirement defined by minimumFixedDepositBps in the LidoVault contract.
Code Snippets
This omission can lead to the deployment of vaults where it's practically impossible for fixed-side depositors to participate due to an excessively high minimum deposit requirement. Specifically, if the _fixedSideCapacity is set too low, the calculated minimumFixedDeposit might exceed the _fixedSideCapacity, making it impossible to fulfill.
Introduce a check in the createVault function within VaultFactory.sol to enforce that the _fixedSideCapacity is greater than or equal to the calculated minimum fixed deposit amount.