shieldfy / API-Security-Checklist

Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
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Why should not use Auto Increment IDs and Use UUIDs instead? #187

Closed codewithmecoder closed 9 months ago

codewithmecoder commented 9 months ago

What is the pros and cons for these two identity?

spekulatius commented 9 months ago

Hey @codewithmecoder,

checks for IDOR are trivial, when auto increment IDs are used: simply change the ID and see what is returned.

UUIDs are much harder to predict and hence require much more effort to test and exploit.


guest20 commented 9 months ago

Sounds like security by obscurity - it might be better to emphasize that the permission check is the important part, rather than suggesting making it hard to pick an id to test.

spekulatius commented 9 months ago

True, it does give the feeling. How would the identifier type matter to the permission checks tho?

guest20 commented 9 months ago

You pretty much always need the permission checks° - uuids just provide a huge space for an attacker to guess a key within, meaning it'll take an impossibly long time to request every single document by id.

Most apps won't gain much from attackers not being able to guess the id of objects in their system, so paying the costs to wrangle uuids in their api/database might not be worth it.

__ ° except public data, or cases where the uuid grants the permission, like a password reset link, or an invite code and even then you need to "consume" the token so it can't be used over and over again

codewithmecoder commented 9 months ago

I think If the application is secure enough and have tracking all the activities of user Increment Id not the insecure reason.

And also consider the memory of using UUID.

What you think? @guest20 , @spekulatius

spekulatius commented 9 months ago

Yeah, validation of incoming requests (and sanitation of output) are key. Some form of tracking (logging) is good practice for ops.

guest20 commented 9 months ago

Same idea with rate limiting as with permission checks... You have to do them anyway as part of other anti-badguy measures (dos and resource conservation when someone scrapes you aggressively).

Implementing rate limits comes with a pile of design questions which need to be answered with a broader view of the system than you'd have when just trying to limit enumeration of a single type of record. Clients might start requesting stuff they don't own or re-requesting cachable resources or even making malformed requests, and all these behaviours need to trigger a limit.

codewithmecoder commented 9 months ago

Same idea with rate limiting as with permission checks... You have to do them anyway as part of other anti-badguy measures (dos and resource conservation when someone scrapes you aggressively).

Implementing rate limits comes with a pile of design questions which need to be answered with a broader view of the system than you'd have when just trying to limit enumeration of a single type of record. Clients might start requesting stuff they don't own or re-requesting cachable resources or even making malformed requests, and all these behaviours need to trigger a limit.


lode commented 9 months ago

I have found two benefits of using UUIDs, which aren't easily solved with permission checks / rate limiting:

Both are not water tight solutions. But doing it with IDs takes a lot more work to get somewhat or complete checks.

Further I agree with what others have mentioned; UUIDs have their negative side-effects and permission checks are key for the base.

guest20 commented 9 months ago


Permission checks needing context.

Does the image get a new ID each time it's used in a document?

In a case like that It might make more sense for the image to have one url, and a ?time_limited_access_key= with base64'ed, signed expire date for the image access

Reducing access because of privacy.

A helpdesk user looking a pile of customers' PII in a row is exactly what a rate limit is for though. You ... what to limit... the rate they trawl through customers.

Helpdeskers are a particular situation for sure, and you're going to need to have a nice, detailed the audit log when you come to the conversation with their manager and the HR person.

lode commented 9 months ago

Does the image get a new ID each time it's used in a document?


A helpdesk user looking a pile of customers' PII in a row is exactly what a rate limit is for though. You ... what to limit... the rate they trawl through customers.

That's something to add as well, but it doesn't work very well for this use case. Staff has quite unlimited time if they want to iterate over ids, so it is relatively easy to stay under the radar of rate limiting.

Helpdeskers are a particular situation for sure, and you're going to need to have a nice, detailed the audit log when you come to the conversation with their manager and the HR person.

Also indeed something to add. But it is more a law-based requirement than an actual protection, as I've found it common that no-one is actually looking at the audit-log. So some additional checks to prevent misuse are welcome.

guest20 commented 9 months ago

@lode I think we're down at the level of specifics that don't really fit into a high level best practices document for API security. The only reason I mentioned an audit log is so the org knows who to Cc when they're sending out the "we take your security seriously however unfortunately ..." email.

lode commented 9 months ago

Of course.

My main argument is that I experienced that there are valid reasons to go for UUIDs, which aren't easily circumvented by other measures. Going into those details is for sure not something to write down in the repo.

guest20 commented 9 months ago

That said, if you just need a number from a large key space base64'ing 64 bytes from /dev/random is just as difficult for an attacker to guess.