shiffman / Most-Pixels-Ever-Processing

The Most Pixels Ever is an open-source Java and C++ framework for spanning Processing sketches and openFrameworks applications across multiple screens.
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Rendering issue on Mac OSX Mountain Lion - Back and forth / image shake #13

Open gabrielstuff opened 11 years ago

gabrielstuff commented 11 years ago

Hi !

I'm having some rendering issue either with demo example or a simple dropins which display images instead of balls.

I run the server like this :

java -jar mpeServer.jar -framerate30 -screens2

And the render looks like this (shaky footage) :

If you can't watch the video, the issue is as this :

  1. everything is smooth but almost every frame, the points are moving back and forth. Stoping the server result in balls or images shaking.

Reading truth the documentation didn't gave any hints.

Thanks for the help

shiffman commented 11 years ago

Is this in OF or Processing?

gabrielstuff commented 11 years ago

Hi !

This is OF.

shiffman commented 11 years ago

if you add

window.setGlutDisplayString("rgb alpha double samples depth");

to your main.cpp

does this fix it?