pc1.addEventListener('iceGatheringStateChange', () => {
if (pc1.iceGatheringState === 'complete') {
console.log('ICE gathering complete for pc1');
console.log('SDP:', pc1.localDescription.sdp);
pc1.onicegatheringstatechange = () => {
if (pc1.iceGatheringState === 'complete') {
console.log('ICE gathering complete for pc1');
console.log('SDP:', pc1.localDescription.sdp);
both these functions are never triggered.
Also, at the end of the ice gathering (and during) sdp should contain all the ice candidates gathered.
This works in a browser.
Does not work with werift.
The purpose:
I want to instantiate a datachannel.
At the end of the ice gathering I want to create the offer with all the candidates inside the sdp.
From a web browser I can do that.
So after that I send the full offer, I get the full answer and the connection starts.
So in the end is only:
pc1 (create full offer) >> send offer to pc2.
pc2 (create full answer) >> send answer to pc1
pc1: connect.
both these functions are never triggered. Also, at the end of the ice gathering (and during) sdp should contain all the ice candidates gathered.
This works in a browser. Does not work with werift.
The purpose: I want to instantiate a datachannel. At the end of the ice gathering I want to create the offer with all the candidates inside the sdp. From a web browser I can do that. So after that I send the full offer, I get the full answer and the connection starts.
So in the end is only:
pc1 (create full offer) >> send offer to pc2. pc2 (create full answer) >> send answer to pc1 pc1: connect.