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tpo64_L2_continental_polar_air_mass | Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center #39

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

tpo64_L2_continental_polar_air_mass | Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

YvonneYW commented 1 year ago


word English explanation Chinese explanation Example sentence
properties nature 性质 it’s a large body of air that’s got uniform properties in terms of temperature and moisture.
point out indicate 指出 I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.

80326240fc8c11ed85c8bb90aaa2d23c map

LauraAmia commented 1 year ago


截屏2023-05-27 21 43 06
word English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
moisture the presence of water 水分 Air masses is a large body of air that's got uniform properties in terms of temperature and moisture.
word English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
rule out except, don't consider 排除 There is one situation we can certainly rule out.
Jerrydacongming commented 1 year ago


word English explanation Chinese explanation Example sentence
turbulent characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination 骚乱的;动荡的 The aircraft is designed to withstand turbulent conditions.
pass over make a passage or journey from one place to another 排挤,不公正对待,跳过 We mustn't pass over his mistakes.
截屏2023-05-27 22 44 55
Theo1227 commented 1 year ago


Word/Phrase English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
rule out dismiss from consideration or a contest 排除;不予考虑 Further study is needed to rule out any other speculation as to the pits usage.
disparity a difference, especially one connected with unfair treatment 差异,悬殊 Vulgarity gap is a disparity in the tolerance1 for vulgarity between generations or communities.

TPO64 L1 Continental Polar Air Mass

plutoxe commented 1 year ago


Word English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
rule out exclude someone or something as a possibility 排除 The government would not rule out inviting foreign investors to help improve local ports.
turbulent characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm 骚乱的 The country's turbulent 20-year history.


Shawnnnn666 commented 1 year ago


Word Chinese meaning English meaning Example
rule out 排除 to dismiss from consideration He ruled out this option.
evaporate 蒸发 to change from a liquid state to a gas The water evaporated.


OliviaTeng commented 1 year ago
Olivia Continental polar air mass word/phrase English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
sweep around sweep across 横扫 The air sweeps around the lake.
snowflake water to ice 雪花 It's hard for me to see snowflake
LauraAmia commented 1 year ago


word English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
continental land 大陆的 The one we will concentrate on today is the continental polar air mass.
word English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
associated with related to 相关的 continental polar air masses are not generally associated with heavy precipitation.
截屏2023-05-29 08 51 02
LauraAmia commented 1 year ago


word English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
originate beginning 起源 Continental polar air masses originate, form over a continent near the poles, over areas that are typically cold and dry
word English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
pass over cross 越过 bodies of water, especially ones as large as the Great Lakes, absorb huge amounts of energy both from the sun and from the warm summer air that’s passing over them
截屏2023-05-27 21 57 18
Jessie0120 commented 1 year ago



Theo1227 commented 1 year ago


Word English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
strawbale a back of straw 秸秆包 So, is strawbale construction too good to be true?
Rule out dismiss from 排除 Rule out the possibility


Jessie0120 commented 1 year ago


phrase/word english meaning chinese meaning example
condense change or cause to change from a gas or vapour to a liquid. 凝聚 It cools down and condenses forming clouds.
associated with related to 相关的 continental polar air masses are not generally associated with heavy precipitation
Theo1227 commented 1 year ago


Word English Explanation Chinese Explanation Example Sentence
strawbale a back of straw 秸秆包 So, is strawbale construction too good to be true?
Rule out dismiss from 排除 Rule out the possibility


LauraAmia commented 1 year ago


word English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
disparity obvious difference 明显差异 So eventually, you get these significant temperature disparities between the lakes and the land that surrounds each one.
word English explanation Chinese explanation example sentence
rise up go up 上升 the warm moist air from the lake rises up into the cold dry air above it.
截屏2023-05-27 22 12 07
KendricknoLamar commented 1 year ago


Words/Phrases English Meaning Chinese Expression Example Sentence
Moisture Water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapor, within a solid, or condensed on a surface 水分 The moisture on the ground made it slippery to walk.
Sweeps across To move quickly and with force in a particular direction 横扫;席卷 A heatwave swept across the country, causing temperatures to rise dramatically.