shivanibansal / TwitterClient_Proj_03

Twitter Client (Week 3 Project
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Week 3 Project : Twitter Client

Description :

 This is a simple Twitter client that supports viewing a Twitter timeline and composing a new tweet.

User Stories Covered :

*   User can sign in using OAuth login flow
*   User can view last 25 tweets from their home timeline
       - User should be able to see the user, body and timestamp for tweet
       - User should be displayed the relative timestamp for a tweet "8m", "7h"
*   User can load more tweets once they reach the bottom of the list using "infinite scroll" pagination
*   User can compose a new tweet
       - User can click a “Compose” icon in the Action Bar on the top right
       - User will have a Compose view opened
       - User can enter a message and hit a button to post to twitter
       - User should be taken back to home timeline with new tweet visible
       - (Optional): User can see a counter with total number of characters left for tweet

User Stories Left :

*   (Optional): User can refresh tweets timeline by pulling down to refresh (i.e pull-to-refresh)
*   (Optional): User can open the twitter app offline and see last loaded tweets
                - Tweets are persisted into sqlite and can be displayed from the local DB
*   (Optional): User can tap a tweet to display a "detailed" view of that tweet
*   (Optional): User can select "reply" from detail view to respond to a tweet 
*   (Optional): Improve the user interface and theme the app to feel twitter branded
*   (Stretch):  User can see an embedded media (image) within tweet detail view
*   (Stretch):  Compose View activity is replaced with a modal overlay

Time spent around 18 hours

Walkthrough of app :
Video Walkthrough