shopinvader / shopinvader-getting-started

Test and explore shopinvader
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localhost:3000 error #11

Open rwp2 opened 4 years ago

rwp2 commented 4 years ago

Attempting to install ShopInvader on MacOS High Sierra using docker and instructions from shopinvader-getting-started/

Per, executed: git clone cd shopinvader-getting-started docker-compose up -d git clone template docker-compose run --service-port wagon

Results: https://localhost:8069 (odoo backend) works correctly...

https://localhost:3000/locomotive/ (locomotive backend) works correctly …

https://localhost:3000 (locomotive frontend) FAILS with:
"Faraday::ConnectionFailed Connection refused - Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 3000 ( Extracted source (around line #623): 621 622 623 624 625 626 end rescue SystemCallError => e raise e.class, e.message + " (#{host}:#{port})" rescue SocketError => e raise e.class, e.message + " (#{host}:#{port})" end

Any suggestion for debugging this? I've tried Safari, Chrome, & FireFox browsers with same result.

foutoucour commented 4 years ago

Hello @rwp2 check #12, it might be the solution of your issue.