class Student{
int id; // 1, 2, 3
String name; // bob, alice, eve
float cgpa; // 3.5, 2.6, 3.8
String department; // CSE, EEE, BBA
String email; //,,, Can be empty as well
[x] Write a program to create an array of Students. Set some data on them. Print them.
[x] Write a program to find the student having id=1 from a given Student array. Print the student details if found. Print "Could not be found" if the student is not found.
[x] Write a program to print the details of all the probation students from a given student array. Students having a CGPA under 2.5 are considered probation students. Print "No student is under probation" if no student is under probation.
[x] Write a program to print all the students having CGPA between 3.25 to 3.5, from a given student array. Print "No records available" if no student is under probation.
[x] Write a program to find the students under the "CSE" department from a given student array. Print "No records available" if no student is found under "CSE" department.
[x] Write a program to find the students who study either under the "EEE" or "CSE" department. Student array is given. Print "No records available" if no student is found under any department.
[x] Write a program to print the department of the Student with id=1 from a given student array. Print "Student does not exist" if the student is not found.
[x] Write a program to find students whose names start with "A" from a given student array. Print "No such student exists" if the student is not found.
[x] Write a program to find students whose names end with "S" from a given student array. Print "No such student exists" if the student is not found.
[x] Write a program to find students who use "Gmail" as their email provider from a given student array. Print "No student uses Gmail" if the student is not found.
[x] Write a program to find students who do not have an email yet. Print "All data up-to-date" if the student is not found.
Consider the following
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