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guess the word game #69

Closed Tanmay0215 closed 6 months ago

Tanmay0215 commented 6 months ago

guess the word game #kwoc

Yarlin16 commented 6 months ago

Can you please elaborate more?? cuz I guess I'm thinking of a similar idea. Just to make sure whether mine is alike or not..

Tanmay0215 commented 6 months ago

this would be just a basic python code which first gives choice to user about which field relates or totally random then from that field chooses a word then jumbles it and outputs then input the user answer if correct right else wrong guess

shrey141102 commented 6 months ago

Whats going on guys...

Tanmay0215 commented 6 months ago

import random

sports = [ "athlete", "baseball", "basketball", "coach", "competition", "cycling", "fitness", "football", "golfer", "gymnast", "hockey", "lacrosse", "paddle", "referee", "sailing", "skating", "soccer", "swimmer", "table tennis", "tennis", "volleyball", "wrestling" ]

social_media = [ "facebook", "twitter", "instagram", "linkedin", "snapchat", "tiktok", "pinterest", "youtube", "reddit", "vimeo", "spotify", "medium", "whatsapp", "skype", "slack", "discord", "telegram", "wechat", "viber" ]

languages = ['Python', 'Java', 'C++', 'JavaScript', 'Ruby', 'Swift', 'PHP', 'Kotlin', 'C#', 'TypeScript', 'Go', 'Scala', 'Rust', 'Dart', 'Objective-C', 'ReactJS', 'VueJS', 'AngularJS', 'Flutter', 'SQL', 'HTML', 'CSS', 'SASS', 'LESS', 'SCSS', 'ASP.NET' , 'Perl', 'Shell', 'Fortran', 'Visual Basic', 'Pascal', 'Clojure', 'Erlang', 'Elixir', 'R', 'Haskell', 'Rust', 'Nim', 'MATLAB']

code_editors = ['Visual Studio Code', 'Sublime Text', 'Atom', 'Notepad++', 'IntelliJ IDEA', 'Eclipse', 'PyCharm', 'VSCode', 'Code::Blocks', 'NetBeans', 'CodeLite', 'BlueJ', 'Aptana', 'AppCode', 'LightTable', 'Spacemacs', 'SlickEdit', 'Rider', 'Vim', 'Emacs', 'nano', 'Kate', 'TextMate', 'CodeSandbox', 'Xcode', 'RStudio' , 'CLion', 'Gedit', 'NetBeans', 'Monodevelop', 'IntelliJ IDEA', 'TextWrangler', 'Visual Studio', 'Goorm', 'PhpStorm', 'RubyMine', 'WebStorm', 'Rider', '0xDBE', 'Gallium']

type = [sports, social_media, languages, code_editors]

match choice:

case "languages", "lang":

topic = languages

case "social_media" "sm":

topic = social_media

word = type shuffledword = random.choice(type) random.shuffle(shuffledword)

print("Jumbled word is:") for i in shuffledword: print(i, end="") print()

print("Jumbled Sports Word:", shuffledword)

guess = input().lower().strip() if word == guess: print("Success")

else: print("Wrong Guess")

I am creating a basic jumbled words guess the word game once send the as I finish it

shrey141102 commented 6 months ago

i still didnt understand what this project is about..