sidorares / node-mysql2

:zap: fast mysqljs/mysql compatible mysql driver for node.js
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Using of mysql.format(…) / con.format(…) for dynamic queries to avoid SQL syntax error #1189

Open pubmikeb opened 4 years ago

pubmikeb commented 4 years ago

mysql2: 2.1.0

I paid attention, if I execute a dynamic query:

let [rows] = await pool.query(QUERIES.myQuery, [selectArg, fromArg, whereArgField, whereArgVal]);

where the table name (from) is passed as a parameter, then I get an SQL syntax error, but when I wrap the same query with mysql.format(…)/con,format(…):

let [rows] = await pool.query(mysql.format(QUERIES.myQuery, [selectArg, fromArg, whereArgField, whereArgVal]).replace(/'/ug, ""));

then everything is working great. At the same time, the dynamic queries, where the table name (from) is hard-coded into SQL-query don't require applying a query formatting.

I'm a bit confused why and when exactly should I use mysql.format(…)/con.format(…)?

pubmikeb commented 4 years ago

I assume, the problem is with ' surrounding the table name in a dynamic query, but it looks like such kind of issue is too standard and could be «fixed» under the hood by default.

sidorares commented 4 years ago

both conn.format() and mysql.fromat() call SqlString.format

Can you add some logging and compare what's passed to sqlstring?

pubmikeb commented 4 years ago

@sidorares, I've reproduced the issue with and without mysql.fromat().

A query execution with mysql.fromat()


# noinspection SqlResolve, SqlMissingColumnAliases
          isDeleted = 0
      AND documentID = 66;


Array(0) []

A query execution without mysql.fromat()


# noinspection SqlResolve, SqlMissingColumnAliases
          isDeleted = 0
      AND ? = ?;


Array(4) [documentID,

And then the error:

  "message": "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''tbltrainingdocuments'\n\tWHERE\n\t\t  isDeleted = 0\n\t  AND 'documentID' = '66'' at line 5",
  "code": "ER_PARSE_ERROR",
  "errno": 1064,
  "sqlState": "42000",
  "sqlMessage": "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''tbltrainingdocuments'\n\tWHERE\n\t\t  isDeleted = 0\n\t  AND 'documentID' = '66'' at line 5"

It looks like mysql.fromat() performs a parsing of the dynamic query and ensure that MySQL receives the query in a proper way. But if it's the case, why not to built-in mysql.fromat() into pool.query() by default? Why should I call mysql.fromat() manually?