sidsukana / QSpellWork

QSpellWork is an application for searching and viewing information about spells in World of Warcraft
MIT License
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improvements suggestions #8

Open killerwife opened 6 years ago

killerwife commented 6 years ago
  1. add possibility to read spell_template from SQL which includes all custom changes for development - most important in TBC and WOTLK where blizzard removed a plethora of spells
  2. add possibility for interrupt flags enum AND hover over them to display which one it has (found some mistakes in them)
  3. extend showing what values for each effect do, we know what the values do for 90% of effects at this point, I have no problem with providing that info
  4. add commandline option to directly launch given expansion, so its possible to make shortcut to given version without clicking anything, old QSW worked instantly without setup
  5. show reagents needed for a particular spell, also show area needed for particular spell
sidsukana commented 6 years ago

@killerwife, try 2.33 version

  1. Done
  2. Done
  3. Done

3 and 5, i want rework output template, any ideas?) What you think about current <details><summary> composition for massive detail info? useful?

killerwife commented 6 years ago

I dont know what you mean by "

". I looked over the changes, the serversides reading is amazing. I have a few notes on this front. It is clear I need to somehow discern 3 types of spells. 1st type is normal clientside spell. 2nd type is serverside taken from vanilla/tbc patches where it was fully available, and 3rd type, where its purely guesswork. If possible, you know the cmangos-only column IsServerSide, can you add output to UI where if the value is 1, it will show "serverside" and value 2 "serverside-guesswork"?

When it comes to output template, you need to configure defaults better in my opinion. Examples:

Category: 0 - this is completely useless for example Chance: 0, Charges: 0 - isnt very useful either, since its customary for very few spells, and so on. On the other hand stuff like Mechanic: 0 (MECHANIC_NONE) is always useful to know

Another improvement, is to make a setting for Attributes always to be expanded. It is kinda annoying to browse through and have to open it up every time when researching an attribute. The expandable menus look amazing though and improve readability by a lot.

Effects: Many effects values have special meaning. For example SPELL_EFFECT_SUMMON - 28 Misc Value is super tricky. Same goes for meaning of "damage" value. For SPELL_EFFECT_SCHOOL_DAMAGE its damage, but for lets say knockback, its the horizontal velocity of the knockback effect.

Then there are some columns like AreaID, or MaxAffectedTargets or DmgMultiplier which you don't read currently. (and this is just TBC :D)

AnonXS commented 6 years ago

It seems to be only able to load spellname and description from enGB data folder not any other language. (mpq directory selection)

killerwife commented 5 years ago

@sidsukana new enums

has missing comma at TBC and WOTLK jsons, fix it in case u incorporate it