siefkenj / unified-latex

Utilities for parsing and manipulating LaTeX ASTs with the Unified.js framework
MIT License
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Parser takes an excessive amount of time for particular file #47

Closed dwillhalm closed 11 months ago

dwillhalm commented 11 months ago

I have a document with a bit more than 300 lines of definitions that takes an excessive amount of time to parse. Testing it on the playground raises the same issue. It seems to be a bug in which the parser cannot handle the definitions of begin and end environment very well. Below I copied all lines of the file.

\newcommand{\blue}[1]{{\textcolor{wiasblue}{{\bf \emph{#1}}}}{}}
\newcommand{\bblue}[1]{{\textcolor{wiasblue}{{\bfseries \emph{#1}}}}{}}
\newcommand{\green}[1]{{\textcolor{wiasgreen}{{\bf \emph{#1}}}}{}}
\newcommand{\mlu}[1]{{\textcolor{mlugreen}{{\bf \emph{#1}}}}{}}
\newcommand{\white}[1]{{\textcolor{white}{{\bf \emph{#1}}}}{}}
\newcommand{\red}[1]{{\textcolor{red}{{\bf \emph{#1}}}}{}}

\newcommand\bq[1]{{\bfseries  #1}}
\newcommand\bp[1]{{\bf #1}}
%\newcommand\br[1]{\noindent{\textcolor[rgb]{0.2,0.4,0.65}{\underline{\bfseries #1}}}}
\newcommand\pps[1]{\prod_{\psi \su#1}}


%\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{[\theenumiv]}

\newcommand\E{\mathbb E}
\newcommand\M{\mathbb M}
\newcommand\K{\mathbb K}
\renewcommand\P{\mathbb P}
\newcommand\Q{\mathbb Q}
\newcommand\R{\mathbb R}
\newcommand\Z{\mathbb Z}


\newcommand\Gl{G^{\ms L}}
\newcommand\Gr{G^{\ms R}}
\newcommand\vps{\varphi^{\ms s}}
\newcommand\vpp{\varphi^{\ms p}}
\renewcommand\d{{\rm d}}
\newcommand\EE{\mc E}
\newcommand\GG{\mc G}
\newcommand\YY{\mc Y}
\newcommand\LL{\mc L}
\newcommand\HH{\mc H}
\newcommand\MM{\mc M}
\newcommand\NN{\mc N}
\newcommand\BB{\mc B}
\newcommand\PP{\mc P}
\newcommand\FF{\mc F}
\newcommand\CC{\mc C}
\newcommand\CCC{\mb C}
\newcommand\tb{\mb t}
\newcommand\DD{\mc D}
\newcommand\ddd{\mathfrak d}
\newcommand\XX{\mc X}
\newcommand\WW{\mc W}
\renewcommand\AA{\mc A}
\newcommand\VV{\mc V}
\newcommand\UUU{\mc U}
\newcommand\dmmm{\de_{\mu, m}}
\newcommand\dmm{\de_{\mu, m}(x)}
\newcommand\dmmp{\de_{\mu_P, m}(x)}
\newcommand\dm{d_{\mu, m_0}(x)}
\newcommand\PPP{\mb P}
\newcommand\TT{\mc T}
\newcommand\FFo{\mc F^o}
\newcommand\U{\ms{Unif}(0, 1)}
\newcommand\zz{\ms z}
%\newcommand\i{{\ms i}}
\renewcommand\S{\mathbb S}
\renewcommand\SS{\mc S}
\renewcommand\L{\mathbb L}
\newcommand\bfe{\bf \emph}
\newcommand\vX{\hat X}
\newcommand\vx{\hat x}
\newcommand\vy{\hat y}
\newcommand\Xb{\mb X}
\newcommand\Xs{X^{\ms s}}
\newcommand\Xp{X^{\ms p}}
\newcommand\Xss{\hat X^{\ms s}}
\newcommand\Cech{\ms{ Cech}}

\newcommand\X{\mathbb X}
\newcommand\Y{\mathbb Y}
\newcommand\bX{{\bs X}}
\newcommand\bN{{\mathbf N}}
\newcommand\bth{{\bs \th}}
\newcommand\bbth{{\bar \th}}
\newcommand\nukin{\nu_{k, i, n}}
\newcommand\pikin{\pi_{k, i, n}}
\newcommand\Xkin{\bar X_{k, i, n}}
\newcommand\bx{{\bs x}}
\newcommand\bxi{\bar X^{i, N}}
\newcommand\xx{{\bs x}}
\renewcommand\aa{{\bs a}}
\newcommand\UU{\bs U}
\newcommand\yy{{\bs y}}
\newcommand\bH{H(\bX; \bth)}
\newcommand\bU{\bs U}
\newcommand\zm{\z_{\ms M}}
\newcommand\xinda{\xi_n^{\Delta, 1}}
\newcommand\xindb{\xi_n^{\Delta, 2}}
\newcommand\xindc{\xi_n^{\Delta, 3}}
\newcommand\Nlf{\ms N_{\ms{lf}}}
\newcommand\Nf{N_{\ms f}}
\newcommand\NNf{\NN_{\ms f}}
\newcommand\Efr{E_{\ms b}}
\newcommand\Era{E_{\ms c}}
\newcommand\dd{\,{\rm d}}
\newcommand{\Pnr}{\mathcal P_n|}
\newcommand\gu{g_{\ms u}}
\newcommand\Pivd{\ms{Piv}^{\ms {del}}}
\newcommand\Pivs{\Piv^{\ms s}}
\newcommand\Pivp{\Piv^{\ms p}}
\newcommand\pcm{{\bfseries HYTEC}}
\newcommand\law{\la^{\ms f}}
\newcommand\lau{\la^{\ms w}}
%\newcommand\las{\la_{\ms S}}
\newcommand\last{\la_{\ms s}}
\newcommand\lap{\la_{\ms p}}
\newcommand\Tb{T_{0,b }}
\newcommand\ZZ{\mc Z}
\newcommand\RR{\mc R}
\newcommand\ot{[0, T]}
\newcommand\N{\mathbb N}
\newcommand\uu{\bs u}
\newcommand\ap{\a_{\ms p}}

\newcommand\II{\mc A^{(m)}}
\newcommand\blitz{{\Large \text{\red\Lightning}}}
\newcommand\by{{\bs y}}
\renewcommand\bx{{\bs x}}
\newcommand\Mt{\M \ti [0, T]}
\newcommand\QQ{\mc Q}
\newcommand\tpn{\tilde\Phi_{\mathbf C^n}}
siefkenj commented 11 months ago

I have analyzed your source, and it appears the slowness is coming from using commands like


since as soon as the parser sees a \begin it scans for the corresponding \end. Removing those definitions makes parsing go much faster.

I will look into what can be done in general to speed things up.

siefkenj commented 11 months ago

This has been fixed in 1.4.2 :-)