Open involve-it opened 6 years ago
I added support to swift 4.2 pod "SwiftDDP", :git => '' , :branch => 'swift-4.2'
I added support to swift 4.2 pod "SwiftDDP", :git => '' , :branch => 'swift-4.2'
I have this:
Pre-downloading: SwiftDDP
, branch swift-4.2
[!] Failed to load 'SwiftDDP' podspec:
[!] Invalid SwiftDDP.podspec
file: [!] Unsupported version requirements.
from /var/folders/_v/y86z3gj963j97ylqldyfdwcm0000gq/T/d20190119-67345-15zie4b/SwiftDDP.podspec:20
s.dependency 'CryptoSwift'
s.dependency 'SwiftWebSocket',:git => '', :branch => 'master'
s.dependency 'XCGLogger'
This line has wrong CYPTOSWIFT verions in the trunk podfile, should be "s.dependency 'CryptoSwift', '~> 0.7.2'", SwiftWebSocket's version needs to be removed in a same way. See
auto-generated pod file. Pod should be edited, not this git repo..Thanks!