siegesmund / SwiftDDP

A Meteor client, written in Swift
MIT License
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Core Data and SwiftDDP - Custom sort issue #61

Closed RonGafni closed 8 years ago

RonGafni commented 8 years ago


I'm using "MeteorCoreData" -

When I'm trying to fetch my collection with my custom sort:

"let dateDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "preview_message.submitted_at.$date", ascending: false)"

Its doesn't work. when conversation is update in the web I get update:

fields = { "created_at" = { "$date" = 1469556204651; }; };

And when I'm reloading the tableview in "controllerWillChangeContent" I think MeteorCoreData is fetching by "created_at" sort and won't order as I want.

How can I change it? Thank you very much!

siegesmund commented 8 years ago

I wouldn't recommend using MeteorCoreData. It's an undocumented, out of date, unfinished project.

RonGafni commented 8 years ago

But you can not give me help on this particular issue?