siggame / colisee-runner

Micro-service for running scheduled games.
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Initial requirements #1

Closed russleyshaw closed 7 years ago

russleyshaw commented 7 years ago

The colisee-runner should:

NOTE: Marking of the game as playing should be combined with pulling the game as a single atomic operation

russleyshaw commented 7 years ago

Note: the original issue is pretty old. New requirements should be made.

user404d commented 7 years ago

I'm changing some of the requirements above.

Removing: - [ ] Spin up cerveau from docker

- [ ] Pull the respective players' Tarred code from the GitLab API

- [ ] Build runnable Docker instances from client code


user404d commented 7 years ago

I may bring back the first one, but I think it should be handled by our deployment configuration.

user404d commented 7 years ago

closing in favor of siggame/colisee#11