signalpoint / commerce

The Drupal Commerce module for DrupalGap.
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Error when submiting an order #18

Open tolesolo opened 7 years ago

tolesolo commented 7 years ago

When I Submit the order, I got this error unknown property and the parameter is commerce_customer_profile

And when I check in .../admin/commerce/orders, the order's status is Complete, but the address is blank.

What was wrong?

signalpoint commented 7 years ago

@tolesolo Did you add the patch to the Commerce Services module which adds support for Customer Profiles?

tolesolo commented 7 years ago

@signalpoint Yes, I did apply that

and just now already recheck the patch 2643530-1.patch, and this function commerce_services_entity_info_alter(&$info) { I cann't find in commerce_service.module

I believe, I already apply all patches of commerce drupalgap in tutorial

signalpoint commented 7 years ago

@tolesolo , interesting. The patch is actually removing that function, but I don't recall why (could definitely be a mistake on my part):

@@ -2030,20 +2232,6 @@ function commerce_services_expand_entities($entity_type, $entity, $depth, $flatt

- * Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
- *
- * The core Taxonomy module specifies an incorrect bundle key name for the
- * taxonomy_term entity type. Once core is patched, this alter hook can be
- * removed, but in the meantime it is essential for flattening fields on
- * taxonomy term entities.
- *
- * @see
- */
-function commerce_services_entity_info_alter(&$info) {
-  $info['taxonomy_term']['bundle keys']['bundle'] = 'vocabulary_machine_name';
  * Flattens field value arrays on the given entity.
  * Field flattening in Commerce Services involves reducing their value arrays to

If you restore the above function, does that fix it?

tolesolo commented 7 years ago

@signalpoint I restore those function but still error, unknown property, not found commerce_customer_profile

tolesolo commented 7 years ago

This because, no data save when I press [Next step] after entry the customer profile. I'm fixed it, with hard coding so the data I keep on temporary files, so the data does'nt dissappear after submit checkout. No need address field on drupal module. Not ideal solution, but ok.

@signalpoint , I see the drupalgap module shipping is not read from server, but fixed on commerce_shipping.js, would you update it so the shipping module can read from drupal server? Thanks