signalpoint / commerce

The Drupal Commerce module for DrupalGap.
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Doesn't work if product display and commerce product have different machine names. #21

Open ntym4ek opened 6 years ago

ntym4ek commented 6 years ago

I have working online shop on Drupal Commerce with content type with machine name 'product_display' and Product type named 'product'. When I made mobile site with DrupalGap, problem occured: product variations (differs by field 'field_p_tare') and 'Add to cart' button does not appear - got 'undefined' instead.

WARNING: drupalgap_field_info_instance - instance was null for entity (commerce_product) bundle (product_display) using field (field_p_tare) - drupalgap.js:9551 _drupalgap_form_render_elements - TypeError: Cannot read property 'widget' of null - drupalgap.js:5512

As I can understand, problem occures on 'commerce_cart_add_to_cart_form' load, when: field_info_instances = instances[entity_type][bundle_name]; can't get instance of bundle 'product_display' of entity 'commerce_product' .

When application made by example at, and Content type and Product Type have same machine name ( in example it's 'beer') - problem does not occures only by coincidence.

Is there sollution for ready shops when Content type and Product type have different machine names?