signum-network / SIPs

Signum Improvement Proposals
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Cross-Platform Wallet UI #1

Closed blankey1337 closed 5 years ago

blankey1337 commented 5 years ago

Currently, the Burst desktop wallet is a fork of the NXT wallet which was built in 2014. It is written in jQuery and supports most of the features of the Burst blockchain. In the past few years, JavaScript applications have evolved in capabilities and standards. Without proper support, front-end applications tend to age quickly; and the Burst desktop wallet is no exception.

We propose to revamp the Burst wallets using the latest application development technologies and best practices. Further, we propose an application architecture that will support multiple platforms: desktop (Windows, OSX, Linux), mobile (Android and iOS), and web (in-browser). Such a platform will improve collaboration, streamline development, and simplify the software development lifecycle of Burst wallets into the future.