silencesys / silentbox

A lightbox inspired Vue.js component.
MIT License
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Mixed content #27

Closed jsaidler closed 4 years ago

jsaidler commented 4 years ago

Hi! Amazing plugin! Many thanks for developing it!

On my https site the videos on youtube don't load and i get a black screen with this error on console:

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

<silent-box :gallery="images"></silent-box>

data: function () {
    return {
      images: [
        { src: '', thumbnailWidth: '100px' },
        { src: '', thumbnailWidth: '100px' },
        { src: '', thumbnailWidth: '100px' },
        { src: '', thumbnailWidth: '100px' },
        { src: '', thumbnailWidth: '100px' }


"_id": "vue-silentbox@2.0.1",

jsaidler commented 4 years ago

Found this on the code on my dist folder: parseYoutubeVideo(t) { let e = ""; const n = this.getYoutubeVideoId(t); return n && (e = "" + n + "?rel=0", "autoplay" === this.overlayItem.autoplay && (e += "&autoplay=1"), this.overlayItem.controls || (e += "&controls=0")), e },

Looking on vue-silentbox , I have found this http:// code only on dist folder.

silencesys commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for reporting it, I'll update the silentbox over the weekend.

silencesys commented 4 years ago

Should be fixed now, but let me know if not. :)