silentsokolov / django-admin-rangefilter

A Django app that lets you filter data by date range and numeric range in the admin UI
MIT License
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From date input gets no value="" #32

Closed saturnus-ringar closed 5 years ago

saturnus-ringar commented 5 years ago

Thanks for a great package, however when I'm using the filter to filter by dates the From date-input gets no value="" in the input. It's just a placeholder with "From date".

This is what the source looks like when I've filtered on 2019-05-01 and 2019-05-30 <input type="text" name="date__gte" class="vDateField" size="10" placeholder="From date" id="id_date__gte">

<input type="text" name="date__lte" value="2019-05-30" class="vDateField" size="10" placeholder="To date" id="id_date__lte">

As you can see the date_gte-input has no value, whereas the date_lte-input has a value.

I'm running Django 2.2.1 and rangefilter 0.3.16, but I had the same problem when I was running Django 1.11.20.

saturnus-ringar commented 5 years ago

I just realized it's because I'm using a DateFieldListFilter on the same field: list_filter = ('date', DateFieldListFilter), ('date', DateRangeFilter)

If I remove the DateFieldListFilter the input gets a value="". It would be great if it would work when there's a DateFieldListFilter in there as well though.

silentsokolov commented 5 years ago

Two filters on one field? Are you sure?

saturnus-ringar commented 5 years ago

Yes. I find the DateFieldListFilter quite convenient to select eg. current month.

silentsokolov commented 5 years ago

Please, update to 0.4.0

saturnus-ringar commented 5 years ago

Works like a charm. Thanks a lot!