silky / ideas

:bulb: various ideas
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ifs #697

Open silky opened 9 months ago

silky commented 9 months ago

i'm going to build a new filesystem for your computers; instead of zfs or ipfs it's simply ifs; impermanent file system.

anything you save will most likely be deleted, probably before you've had a chance to use it

it should help you relax; if you're feeling overwhelmed about tasks or downloaded files or pdfs you need to look at; then worry no more, they'll just get deleted. everything is impermanent.

probably if i do it right it will also delete itself.

another way to implement it would be "ifs" again, but this time the "i" stands for interconnected; and what happens this time is all your files gradually tend to merge together, forming one amorphous blob of files; none of them have an unique identity. this is also convenient for reducing stress.

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