simerplaha / SwayDB

Persistent and in-memory key-value storage engine for JVM that scales on a single machine.
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Improve reverse iteration performance #287

Closed simerplaha closed 4 years ago

simerplaha commented 4 years ago

Reverse iterations are slower than forward iteration because reverse iterations are dependant on binary-search whereas forward iterations simply read the next key-value from sorted-index.

Storing previous key-value's offset within next key-value would result in much better reverse iteration performance and it would also remove the dependancy on binary-search. This should be configurable (optimiseForReverseIteration) and optionally enabled since there is a storage cost. Applications that do not need reverse iteration can disable this to save storage.

The following chart shows the difference in performance on a Persistent-Segment.


simerplaha commented 4 years ago

Configuration optimiseForReverseIteration implemented.

The following show performance benchmark with optimiseForReverseIteration set to true


New reverse iteration performance is nearly the same as forward iteration.