simjanos-dev / LinguaCafe

LinguaCafe is a self-hosted software that helps language learners read foreign languages.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Socket and Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' in ./database/general-log.log #327

Closed fbr1969 closed 1 week ago

fbr1969 commented 1 month ago

After installing Linguacafe, importing a dictionary, creating a book and a chapter, I have a problem with the dictionary. No words are found. Looking at the SQL database log (./database/general-log.log), I see that I have a connection problem with the socket.

Do you have any idea on how to solve this problem? I haven't touched the docker-compose.yml file

2024-08-15T09:17:40.653384Z 77 Connect root@localhost on using Socket 2024-08-15T09:17:40.653407Z 77 Connect Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) 2024-08-15T09:17:50.683471Z 78 Connect root@localhost on using Socket 2024-08-15T09:17:50.683502Z 78 Connect Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) 2024-08-15T09:18:00.732950Z 79 Connect root@localhost on using Socket 2024-08-15T09:18:00.732974Z 79 Connect Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) 2024-08-15T09:18:10.779996Z 80 Connect root@localhost on using Socket 2024-08-15T09:18:10.780019Z 80 Connect Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

simjanos-dev commented 4 weeks ago


Im sorry for the late response.

I dont know what could be the problem. Someone else also has the same error message. I dont think its related, because if you could not connect to the db, other functions would not work either.

Ill check the db error message, and see if I can reproduce.

Did you select your language on the bottom left corner?

What language do you learn? Theres one or two dict cc dictionary that contains very few entries.

fbr1969 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi! I have selected French on the bottom left corner. I have one dictionnary (, for English to French translation (176,814 entry). It's strange, because everything is working fine, except the translation in a book, a chapter. My system is a fresh installation of Linux Debian 12 and Docker Compose version v2.29.1

simjanos-dev commented 4 weeks ago

I dont know whats wrong, havent seen this issue before. Could you please screenshot the browsers network tab when you click on some words? I want to see what is being sent to the server and received.

Can you also please try wiktionary? (Im not sure if theres a french one or not)

Ill probably have time to check if it works for me as well.

fbr1969 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, Sorry for the delay and the poor resolution of my image, I am on a separate network. ecran I will look at Wiktionnary. Best regards

fbr1969 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I'm trying to check that my dictionary is consistent. Here is a sample of the CSV file that I imported. Can you tell me if in your opinion the data is correctly formatted? Linguacafe seems to import them correctly, but I don't have a translation. Good to you.

'18' film|film {m} interdit aux moins de 18 ans|noun|[film] 's-Hertogenbosch [also Den Bosch]|Bois-le-Duc {f}|noun|[geogr.] (')Sup? [sl.] [idiom] [What's up?]|Ça va ? [loc.]|| (a) few|quelques-uns [peu]|pron| (A) Journey to the Center of the Earth [Am.]|Voyage au centre de la Terre [Jules Verne]||[F] [lit.] (abundant) selection of sth.|assortiment {m} de qc.|noun| (acting) fee|cachet {m} [paie]|noun|[film] [fin.] [theatre] (act of) betrayal|traîtrise {f}|noun| (act of) incendiarism|incendie {m} volontaire|noun|[FireResc] (act of) sacrilege|sacrilège {m}|noun|[relig.] (a day's) holiday|jour {m} de congé|noun| (advance) booking|réservation {f} [billets, etc.]|noun| (advance) booking [seats]|location {f} [de spectacle]|noun|[theatre] (African) bare-eyed thrush|merle {m} cendré [Turdus tephronotus]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) black eagle|aigle {m} de Verreaux [Aquila verreauxii]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) black eagle|aigle {m} noir (d'Afrique) [Aquila verreauxii]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) black eagle|aigle {m} noir à dos blanc [Aquila verreauxii]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) black rhinoceros|rhinocéros {m} noir [Diceros bicornis]|noun|[T] [zool.] (African) black rhino [coll.]|rhinocéros {m} noir [Diceros bicornis]|noun|[T] [zool.] (African) blue quail|caille {f} bleue [Excalfactoria adansonii, syn. : Coturnix adansonii, C. adansoni, Synoicus adansonii]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) crowned eagle|aigle {m} couronné [Stephanoaetus coronatus]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) death's head hawkmoth|sphinx {m} tête de mort [Acherontia atropos]|noun|[entom.] [T] (African) dwarf bittern|blongios {m} de Sturm [Ixobrychus sturmii]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) little sparrowhawk|épervier {m} minule [Accipiter minullus]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) palm squirrel|écureuil {m} d'Ebi [Epixerus ebii]|noun|[T] [zool.] (African) palm squirrel|écureuil {m} des palmiers [Epixerus ebii]|noun|[T] [zool.] (African) palm squirrel|écureuil {m} palmiste [Epixerus ebii]|noun|[T] [zool.] (African) snakebird|anhinga {m} [Anhinga rufa]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) snakebird|oiseau-serpent {m} [Anhinga rufa]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) swallow-tailed kite|élanion {m} naucler [Chelictinia riocourii, syn. : Elanoides riocourii, Elanus riocourii]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) white-backed vulture|vautour {m} africain [Gyps africanus]|noun|[orn.] [T] (African) yellow-billed duck|canard {m} à bec jaune [Anas undulata]|noun|[orn.] [T] (after-)effects {pl}|contrecoup {m}|noun| (agricultural) crop|plante {f} utile|noun|[agr.] [bot.] (air) bubble|bulle {f} d'air|noun| (air) terminal|aérogare {f}|noun|[aviat.] (aircraft) hangar|hangar {m} à avions|noun|[aviat.] (alarm) buzzer|avertisseur {m} sonore|noun|[FireResc] (alcoholic) spirit|eau-de-vie {f}|noun|[gastr.] (all) the world and his wife [coll.] [hum.]|tout le monde|pron| (aluminium) foil [Br.]|papier {m} aluminium|noun|[gastr.] (aluminium) foil [Br.]|papier {m} alu [fam.]|noun|[gastr.] (aluminium) foil [Br.]|papier {m} d'aluminium|noun|[gastr.] (aluminum) foil [Am.]|papier {m} aluminium|noun|[gastr.]

And another sample :

economy class|classe {f} économique|noun|[aviat.] economy class|classe {f} éco [fam.]|noun|[aviat.] economy of scale|économie {f} d'échelle|noun|[econ.] economy|économie {f}|noun| ecopolitical|en matière de politique environnementale|adj|[ecol.] [pol.] ecoregion [also: ecological region]|écorégion {f} [aussi : région écologique]|noun|[ecol.] [geogr.] ecosystem collapse|effondrement {m} écologique|noun|[ecol.] ecosystem|écosystème {m}|noun|[biol.] ecotourism|tourisme {m} vert [écotourisme]|noun|[ecol.] [travel] ecotourism|écotourisme {m}|noun|[ecol.] [travel] ecotoxicology|écotoxicologie {f}|noun|[chem.] [ecol.] [acad.] ecotrophology|œcotrophologie {f}|noun|[FoodInd.] [educ.] [acad.] ecozone [also: biogeographic realm]|écozone {f} [aussi : région biogéographique]|noun|[biol.] [geogr.] ecozone [also: ecological zone]|écorégion {f} [aussi : région écologique]|noun|[ecol.] [geogr.] ecru|écru [couleur] [beige]|adj| ecstasy|assomption {f} [de l'esprit, de l'âme]|noun| ecstatically|avec un enthousiasme délirant|adv| ecstatic|extasié|adj| ecstatic|extatique|adj| ectopia lentis|luxation {m} du cristallin|noun|[dent.] ectopic|ectopique|adj|[med.] ectopic pregnancy|grossesse {f} extra-utérine <G.E.U.>|noun|[med.] ectoplasm|ectoplasme {m}|noun|[biol.]

simjanos-dev commented 2 weeks ago

I see no error messages.

The columns are in incorrect order.

Example from the software: here

You need French -> English dictionary, not English -> French.

fbr1969 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, Thank you for your advice. I tried to use the French.wiktionary.tsv. He works fine to translate a french text, but I need an english to french translation. So, I thing a need to build my own dictionnary with your exemple.

simjanos-dev commented 2 weeks ago


If you want to learn english, then you have to select english on the bottom left corner.