simonpoole / beautified-JOSM-preset

Improved version of the JOSM presets
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Rename transport presets to be less ambiguous #439

Open contrapunctus-1 opened 6 months ago

contrapunctus-1 commented 6 months ago

The replaced names make sense when approached from the preset menu. However, when using the search functionality for terms like "parking", the only difference between "car parking", "motorcycle parking", and "bicycle parking" is in the icon, which has led new contributors to select incorrect presets.

Are there any other such potential renames I missed?

jajajaneeneenee commented 4 months ago

@contrapunctus-1: This is a good idea! I would support that.

One thought: I wouldn't rename the item for amenity=parking to “Car Parking“, because such a parking can also be for other vehicle types, e.g. for busses or hgv (e.g. a parking for hgv only with access=no + hgv=designated). Renaming it to “Car Parking“ could cause new confusion, especially for beginners.

I would only rename the parking items for amenity=motorcycle_parking and amenity=bicycle_parking, because that is very clear and probably sufficient, and the new names should also be clear. (Or amenity=parking must be “Vehicle parking” or something similar, but that sounds like a tautology, i.e. a semantic redundancy).

The same applies to amenity=parking_space by the way ...

Are there any other such potential renames I missed?

Yes, there are ... I've already tried to point out a few things that are problematic in the past, especially when using the search function, but I haven't always been heard.

Here is a list of all duplicate item names (as of preset v5.50.0) – you could check for yourself, which of them could be problematic: Administrative, Agricultural supplies, Beacon, Bridge, Building, Bus Station, Bus Stop, Charge point, Charging Station, Charity, Confectionery, Ditch, Embassy, Entrance, Farm, Fishing, Fuel, Furniture, Gate, Hole, Island, Laboratory, Leather, Lifeguard base, Lifeguard tower, Locksmith, No exit, Nursing Home, Optician, Parking, Pottery, Railway Platform, Religion, Rental, Repair, Reservoir, Sanitary Dump Station, Scuba Diving, Shelter, Station, Tailor, Tee, Terminal, Tower, Tunnel, Vacant, Water Point, Youth Centre. (Some are double because they are used for relations and non-relations, which is probably not a big problem, but you could perhaps give them different names, too – resp. a name suffix.)

For example, I would even rename “Tailor” (shop=tailor + craft=Tailor) because it has a different meaning, even if it isn't very big or sharp here. But if you know about the different meanings, but you don't know the meanings of the icon colours, you are simply lost if using the search function (because it's also the same icon symbol here, only the colour is different, which is often – but not always – the case with double item names). I would even go so far as to rename them to "Tailor (craft)" and "Tailor (shop)" here, for example, because I would give the search functions a high priority (and know from my own experience what problems you can run into). And this is also very helpful if you edit an existing node/way (which perhaps has the wrong main tag), and you don't look into the "Details" tab ...

The same applies to many other duplicate item names (e.g. "Laboratory" for healthcare=laboratory and craft=laboratory), especially the ones where the icon symbol is also the same and only the colour is different.

Or see the public transport items "Station" – same name for the new public transport scheme, e.g. public_transport=station and the old (legacy), e.g. railway=station. And there it's even exactly the same icon (transport_train_station2.png) ... This can be very confusing.

I think it is a systematic omission that the results of the search function were not sufficiently taken into account when it comes to double item names (and double icon symbols). In general, I would actually avoid double names completely.

I think a little help to differentiate by name would be very helpful to reduce incorrect or outdated tagging (I'm mainly thinking of new or less experienced contributors).

Alternatively, the search function could also display the tags in the results that are crucial for item matching (e.g. craft=tailor vs. shop=tailor), if that were possible ... Just a thought ... Perhaps too difficult (?).

More label text elements in the items or specially such with double names (like the perhaps really difficult public transport items) could also help by the way. Then there is a real chance that even a less experienced user may notice that they have chosen the wrong item.