simonvanderveldt / lxc-debian-wheezy-template

Since I don't use Debian nor LXC anymore this repo is abandoned. Feel free to fork it and continue :)
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LXC template lxc-debian-wheezy-template

How to use

If you just want to get started with a working LXC template in Debian Wheezy read this section. Fore more background info about this repository and it's purpose see the chapters below.

Currently the working LXC template is a copy of the template created by Rob van der Hoeven.

Install the template

Create a container using the template

sudo lxc-create -n myfirstcontainer -t debian-wheezy

The -t flag defines the template to use to create the container. It needs a template's short name to work. debian-wheezy is the short name of the lxc-debian-wheezy template we just added to our system. To get the short name of a template simply remove the lxc- prefix from the template's filename.

Default configuration

The network is configured for DHCP using the br0 interface. For more info see the LXC SimpleBridge page on the Debian wiki. The default root password is root. Don't forget to change it!

Fore more information about LXC and Debian see the LXC page on the Debian wiki.

Why did I create this repository?

The LXC template for Debian in Debian Wheezy is broken because it relies on live-debconfig which isn't available in Wheezy.

Debian bug 680469 is the most relevant bug for this issue, though there are several other Debian bug's referenced on the LXC mailing list which actually don't solve much. In this Debian bug 680469 is a link from Rob van der Hoeven to a Debian Wheezy template he made by modifying the Debian Squeeze template. This template actually works in Wheezy, unlike the debconf template which is packaged in Wheezy's LXC (0.8.0~rc1-8+deb7u1).

Unfortunately this working template didn't make it into Debian Wheezy's release because LXC's package maintainer couldn't support something he didn't create. So now we have a non working Debian template in Debian's own stable LXC package.

With this repository I want to try to fix this.

How to fix the situation

To try to fix this situation I decided to try to create a new template based on the last template from Debian's LXC package before the switch to debconf and add some of Rob's fixes to that. The primary goals are staying as close as possible to the Debian template so we have a chance that the fixed template get's added to a Debian stable update and offcourse making LXC work :)

As said, starting points were Rob's template, the last template from Debian's LXC package before the switch to the debconf template and the Debian template from upstream.

Changes between Rob's template and Debian LXC 0.7.5-5's template

Below follows a list of the changes in Rob's template compared to the template from Debian's LXC 0.7.5-5 package with some info on the changes and if the changes should be kept or not.